| | Derene Shultz: "This Book Has Revolutionized My Prayer Life Like No Other Book I've Read—EVER!" | ************************** "It's time you had more success with your prayers. MUCH MORE SUCCESS! Let me just assure you that your life will never be the same after you read this book and even JUST BEGIN to practice what's in it! Please, please, please...GET THIS BOOK!" Steve Shultz, The Elijah List | From the Desk of Steve Shultz, "Really? Are you serious?" I thought, when Bill’s daughter-in-Law, Jane Hamon, started telling me about this book... When I had only just begun to read this book I was stunned! Who knew there was so much power in speaking in tongues? But what got my attention, what REALLY GOT MY ATTENTION—was what my wife said to me as we ate at a restaurant recently. And she said I could ABSOLUTELY QUOTE HER... "Stephen, This book has revolutionized my prayer life like no other book I've read—EVER!" (Derene Shultz cofounder: The Elijah List) I was honestly shocked at Derene’s statement to me. Before this book —and as one who’s spoken in tongues for decades, I never knew that speaking in tongues was this important. My "practice" of speaking in tongues could barely be called a "practice." In reality, I'd pull out the gift of tongues mainly when things got intense in prayer or maybe in an emergency where tongues was more desperately needed. But beyond that, I didn't use tongues very much. If I only had known better! Now? Now I think—no wait — NOW I KNOW...the Church is in desperate need for the teaching on tongues in this book. Tongues is SO CENTRAL TO DEFEATING SATAN'S PLANS FOR YOUR LIFE, you should all be purposefully speaking in tongues every day of your life. On the first day I began to read "Seventy Reasons For Speaking In Tongues," I started to see both spiritual and financial breakthroughs that I’ve been waiting a long time for! I'm so glad that Bill Hamon, perhaps the single most important Father of the Prophetic in our lifetime, heard from the Lord that this book was needed. And he won’t disappoint you when you read this book. Wow! He's written: "SEVENTY REASONS FOR SPEAKING IN TONGUES!" Seventy reasons? Really? There are Seventy? Here is what's in the book: * 70 Reasons for Speaking in tongues * 15 Biblical Proof Reasons * 30 Personal Benefit and Blessing Reasons * 25 Powerful Spiritual Ministry Reasons There's no way I could list all 70 reasons here for you. It's time you had more success with your prayers. MUCH MORE SUCCESS! Let me just assure you that your life will never be the same after you read this book and even JUST BEGIN to practice what's in it! Please, please, please...GET THIS BOOK. I'm quite passionate about this. And keep your copy but you might even consider ordering an extra copy as a gift for a birthday or upcoming holiday for someone you really care for. They'll thank you, believe me! Blessings,  Steve Shultz Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News http://www.elijahlist.com | | |
| You Can—but you don't... Speak in Tongues? ABOUT 95 PERCENT OF SPIRIT-BAPTIZED CHRISTIANS DON'T UNDERSTAND THE PURPOSES AND BENEFITS OF SPEAKING IN TONGUES. More than 600 million Christians have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, yet most do not utilize this precious gift to its full potential. And many who do speak in tongues on a regular basis do not fully understand all the benefits this gift brings. You can learn how to use your spirit language to see prayers answered, activate more faith, receive healing and victory, and increase God's love and power within your life and ministry. You can utilize the gifts of the Holy Spirit through speaking in tongues by learning: • | 70 Reasons For Speaking In Tongues | • | 15 Biblical Proof Reasons | • | 30 Personal Benefit and Blessing Reasons | • | 25 Powerful Spiritual Ministry Reasons | Seventy Reasons for Speaking in Tongues was written for Spirit-filled Believers and those who want to know more about this God-given, Holy Spirit-infused gift that has changed hearts and minds for generations. | | | Paperback Book $15.99  | | Download E-Book $11.19  | | |
| About the Author Dr. Bill Hamon has been functioning as a prophet for 58 years and has ministered to tens of thousands of Christians the Holy Spirit's gift of their own spirit language. He and the 3,000 ministers in his Christian International Network has trained more than 250,000 in prophetic ministry. Dr. Hamon is recognized worldwide as a pioneer and father in the restoration of prophets and the activation of saints into their prophetic ministry. | | |  | December 26, 2018 | | | | | | | | |