Call NOW to order Jerame and Miranda Nelson's BOOK PLUS THREE-CD set called, "Take Your Place in the Kingdom and Carry the Fire of God's Love" This offer includes: Miranda Nelson's book: "Take Your Place in the Kingdom" and 3-CD set by both Jerame and Miranda — which will help you to receive everything God has for YOU regarding the supernatural and His power! Miranda Nelson explains WHY the fire of God hasn't touched many Believers' lives and what You can do to set your life on fire—for Him and His purposes! Included in this fiery package: Jerame Nelson teaches about the fire of God’s wisdom and revelation and the impact this will make upon Your life. And WHY the Church is going to receive a powerful, fresh anointing of wisdom and revelation along with essential keys to burn brightly. This is an exclusive package made available only to Elijah Streams viewers and is not available in any store... This package is all yours for a donation of just $39 dollars. Shipping and handling are included. Ask for offer number: 1013 To order by phone, call the toll-free number listed below, or to order online CLICK HERE.  Or you can send your check to: ELIJAH STREAMS 528 ELLSWORTH ST SW ALBANY, OR 97321 USA Please Specify Offer Number: 1013 Or Call: (866) 967-3665 |