From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is an awesome and confirming word about what the Lord is doing in this season and new year.
Theresa Phillips is one who has many deep encounters with the Lord...and as you read through this, you'll be encouraged to have many more yourself!
Have you felt hidden and your gifts underlooked? Just read this empowering exhortation from Theresa:
For those who had been held back to receive their gifts and talents were placed into hiding, praying and praying. They had waited, for God was putting a special anointing upon these people. As they emerged out of the cave each one was washed with the bucket that came from Heaven. The sight was glorious. Yes, a glorious portal had opened.
Now read about this and it's your time to come out of the cave! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Gifts to the Church in 2019" and "Those Hidden By God Will Come Out of the Caves!"
Theresa Phillips, Saint Charles, IL
In the month of September, I had an encounter with God while I was sitting at the keyboard and He began to speak to me and show me the year 2019. I believe this was a dual year prophecy: one for the Hebrew year and one for the Gregorian.
I heard the voice of the Lord speak to me as if the water was rushing from the water faucet (Ez. 43:2). Like mighty rushing water, the voice of God began to speak to me about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He began to speak to me and show me these gifts were going to come into great fruition in 2019.
He began to share with me how many people have actually become complacent with their gifts and how He is going to ignite them once again. There will be many people who will catch the flame of fire that has started to grow dim in their souls and spirits. He showed me many waterfalls coming out of the portals of Heaven.
Angels Carrying Buckets in the Waterfalls
"The sight was glorious. Yes, a glorious portal had opened." |
In these waterfalls were angels carrying buckets. Angels carrying buckets are not new to me, as I've seen them before; but these were very unique because these angels were carrying the buckets as if they were cups from the King's table – gilded and glorious, encrusted with all types of jewels. As the angels proceeded to the below in the rushing waters from the portals of Heaven, one could see inside these buckets or cups. There were pieces of scrolls that had burnt edges inside and were very fragile.
The Lord spoke, "Be aware of scrolls, for they belong to many who have been tested by flame and by fire. They are those whose names are written in the Book of Life" (Rev. 21:27).
One scroll had the word "hope," another "love," another "mercy," another "chastisement," another "gifts," and another "talents." More and more scrolls began to pour out of the buckets as the angels moved with the water coming through the heavens. Freshwater was being poured out upon the Church as if it was getting a fresh washing. I began to feel compassion like I had not felt in a very long time. I felt a yearning for more. I prayed: More, Lord! More of You. Pour out. Pour out upon Your people. Give people another chance. Raise us up as a unified Body so that we might be subjects of Your mastery.
As I began to pray and cry out to our God, I saw the buckets getting bigger and coming closer and closer to the earth, emptying the scrolls all over the world. Then I saw them taking the waters that were coming from the heavens – large bucketfuls – and they were washing over the people. They were washing over the prophets, the evangelists, the apostles, teachers, and pastors. It was the fivefold ministry getting recharged with the gifts of the Spirit.
Being Recharged with the Gifts of the Spirit
They are being rekindled, like fresh and new fires all over again. I saw multitudes and multitudes of people (these are people who are called by the name of our Lord) and they came out of the fire – not one singed piece on them! They were clean and ready (Dan. 3:27).
Upon their heads stood flames of fire and these flames of fire were bowing at the presence of the Almighty. The people did not know they had flames of fire on their heads (Acts 2:3). I wanted to see in the future what mighty outpourings God was about to do. My Spirit was engaged as I lingered in the vision with great expectation! (Photo via Pixabay)
I was so honored to observe this, for I knew many of the people had grown so weary. Each of them had been tested so long and yet God, in His mercy, was pouring out fresh water and fire.
As soon as the people felt His presence, they began to... (continue reading)