From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Prophet Charlie Shamp is one to take notice of, as he is becoming a well-respected prophetic voice in the Body of Christ.
Now, let me just preface that this article below is full of "Prayer Points" for this year and beyond. Charlie was given deep revelation for us to pray into. I know that some of the things he saw coming can be averted THROUGH PRAYER and the effects lessened in these challenging times.
Yes, God's glory will cover the earth and His light will shine ever so brightly in these days. With that, we are called to PRAY in unity for the nations of the earth. I've even heard some prophetic voices say that we are coming into a time where we must become "militant" in our prayers, not ceasing nor putting our prayer shields down, so to speak.
Now, read this word by Prophet Charlie Shamp and know that it IS the Church's finest hour to shine and be the light and hope to this world. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Raise Your Prophetic Prayer Shield! Points of Prayer for 2019 to 2021"
Charlie Shamp, Nashville, TN
Below are very important prophetic prayer points that I have been shown starting in 2019-2021. Please take the time to read and pray as we enter the new year.
I heard the Lord say, "Boston, you are a city of winners, victors and champions. In 2019, the stars will align for you, Massachusetts. There will be a shot heard around the world. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy and celebrations will come upon you at last."
• Protests greatly intensify and violent riots grow with thousands in Caracas, Venezuela against the government in 2019. I saw the delegitimization of Nicolas Maduro as president and a Venezuelan civil war coming. We must pray for the Body of Christ in Venezuela that they will be supernaturally protected from destruction.
• Scandals deepen for Pope Francis and the Vatican. Resignations and reformation in the Catholic Church.
• Italy faces economic crisis and political turbulence. Riots on the streets.
• Suicide bombers attack Iran in the city of Tehran. Pray protection for the growing Christian population of the nation.
• Iran protests breakout across the country against the government. Economic depression worsens, civil unrest, protests, and the ground will continue to shake across the nation.
• Conflicts between nations in the sea. Pray for the United States Navy in the South China Sea and the Panama Canal as I was shown conflict and confrontation in both regions.
"The month of August 2019 will be a very difficult month." I heard the Lord say. "Count the days 8, 9, 10 and 11. Watch and pray."
• Taliban/Al-Qaeda reform, recruit, re-emerge and resurges. The war on terror takes a turn to the west once again.

• It's a time to pray for protection against natural flooding and mudslides in America. Watch and pray for the west coast mudslides that will sweep away many homes. (Photo via Unsplash)
• Pray against a natural tsunami in the Pacific Ocean. Chile, Indonesia and Japan all need God's protective hand to withstand what the enemy wants to unleash upon their coasts.
• Greater violence and natural shaking/earthquakes across the Ring of Fire.
• 6.9 magnitude quake in the Philippines.
• 7.3 magnitude quake in Indonesia.
• Unusual natural shaking/earthquakes, seismic activity in unthinkable places in nations.
• Unusual spiritual shaking/awakening and supernatural activity in unthinkable places.
"Look at the hunger, not at the numbers," says the Lord.
• Extended meetings in local churches will... (continue reading)