From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This will excite many of you seers and those who want to see higher into the spiritual realm. Yes, God is calling us higher, increasing His gifts in us, and enlarging our vision for this upcoming year.
Read this edifying word from the Lord through Katie Baker of Australia:
"I am expanding the spiritual sight of those who have been found faithful in the past season. Revelation is a spiritual key that unlocks paths of increase and prevents the enemy's plans of delay and derailment. My people will receive keys of detailed revelation this year at strategic times. It will be a year of enlargement of territory for many, but first will come enlargement of vision."
Vision is KEY as we walk out in faith in a fresh new way.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Year of Enlarged and Focused Vision"
Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia
As I sat with the Lord on the eve of the New Year and asked Him about the year ahead, I heard Him say it would be a year of, "Enlarged and Focused Vision." The people of God will receive an increase of vision or revelation of the path or destiny the Lord has for them and the strategies to partner with the Lord in expanding Kingdom territory. They will also be asked to focus their vision in a greater way on Jesus and the Word of God through the Scriptures. The Lord is calling His Bride to unite in vision to see His Kingdom advance and to see His name lifted high.
Enlarging Your Field of Vision
I heard the Lord say, "My people need to 'see' and have heavenly perspective in order to more closely align and partner with Me. Spiritual sight and revelation is the first step, then obedience and faith follow. Many of My people are eager to walk in the paths of increase I have for them, but they haven't been able to step onto the new path as they are waiting for the release of strategic revelation on the way forward.
"The people of God were receiving heightened clarity of vision and were being intensely drawn to pursuit of the things of God, the Word of God and their destiny in God." |
"I am expanding the spiritual sight of those who have been found faithful in the past season. Revelation is a spiritual key that unlocks paths of increase and prevents the enemy's plans of delay and derailment. My people will receive keys of detailed revelation this year at strategic times. It will be a year of enlargement of territory for many, but first will come enlargement of vision. Keys of revelation will be released at strategic times to unlock detailed steps they are to take. I am expanding the vision of My people so they may see My hand moving and orchestrating the path ahead. They will understand My times and seasons in a more detailed way and will see with greater Kingdom perspective."
In a vision, I saw that the field of vision of many people of God was expanding. Where they could previously only see one defined area, their circumference of vision greatly broadened and they could now see so much more. They were now able to see the bigger plan of God and they had greater spiritual sight and revelation on the ways the Lord was moving in their own lives, their ministries and across regions.
I also saw that some people had barriers to their field of sight or filters which were obscuring or distorting their sight and these barriers were being removed. In the past season, the enemy had tried to distort the vision of the people with regard to God's plans and purposes, but the Lord was releasing revelation on the schemes of the enemy and the Lord was bringing clarity of vision to His people.
"Lord, direct me throughout my journey, so I can experience Your plans for my life. Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to You. Escort me along the way, take me by the hand and teach me, for You are the God of my increasing salvation, I have wrapped my heart into Yours!" (Psalm 25:4-5 TPT)
"When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray. But when you follow the revelation of the Word, Heaven's bliss fills your soul." (Proverbs 29:18 TPT)
Keys of Wisdom and Revelation
I saw the people of God being given keys of revelation. However, they were not given all at once but were released at strategic times. On one side of the key was written the word "revelation" and on the other side was the word "wisdom." I knew the Lord was showing me the people would not just receive strategic and detailed revelation but they would also receive divine wisdom to know how to steward and act on the revelation they received. I felt a caution and encouragement from the heart of God, that His people were to have faith and rest in Him in the times between receiving the keys of wisdom and revelation as the keys would be released at the perfect time. They were not to step out in their own strength but only on His leading. (Photo via Flickr)
Then, the Lord told me to look at the keys more closely and I saw that the keys interlocked with each other and some keys were the same. The Lord was showing me that the revelation He releases will align with previous revelation and will align with His Word. He is going to release confirmation to His people at strategic times as He is going to confirm His plans and purposes.
I saw some people pull out... (continue reading)