From the desk of Steve Shultz:
How many of you always enjoy hearing a good comeback story? You know those stories that tell of people being "down and out" and then suddenly...they have the biggest comeback of their lives.
Well, this latest article from Nate Johnston isn't about someone's about YOU. It's about YOUR comeback as Nate shares here:
"Nate, write this down," I heard the Lord say as I was asleep. "Write this down. Tell them it's time for the comeback!" ...As I began writing in my notes, I saw car registrations and title slips in the spirit, which to me represent mission, destiny and ministry. I knew the comeback on the Lord's heart was speaking directly to those people who have lost their deeds to their destiny and have been robbed in many areas of their lives in the past season.
If you can relate to this above...then be encouraged to get ready for the biggest comeback you've ever had! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"It's Your Time for Comeback!"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
"Nate, write this down," I heard the Lord say as I was asleep. "Write this down. Tell them it's time for the comeback!" I woke up and immediately wrote that simple sentence before writing the rest of what was on His mind. When I think of a comeback I think of two things: Either a remark made in response to someone, or someone who is returning to their former glory after loss. This is like a football team that unexpectedly begins to soar again after being at the bottom. So what was He saying? The definition of a comeback is:
1) To return to life or vitality.
2) To return to memory/former state of being.
3) To regain a former favorable condition or position.
4) To recover from a deficit/loss.
5) To return from exile.
6) A sharp or witty reply.
Restoration and Retribution
As I began writing in my notes, I saw car registrations and title slips in the spirit, which to me represent mission, destiny and ministry. I knew the comeback on the Lord's heart was speaking directly to those people who have lost their deeds to their destiny and have been robbed in many areas of their lives in the past season. (Photo via Unsplash)
These people were sideswiped and taken out by circumstances and situations. They were people who felt like the keys of their destiny were torn right out of their hands. They experienced loss from sickness, financial issues, family and marital chaos, betrayal, witchcraft, and demonic attacks and oppression. It's time for God's comeback to be broadcasted to the enemy's camp. His response is, "ENOUGH!" and this is where your vindication begins. I prophesy that divine retribution and vindication for every injustice come right now and that you would see restoration in Jesus' name!
Full Circle
There is something so significant about TIME in this season. For many Believers, I sensed that this year was significant for the fulfillment of time and the completion of a cycle or season. This year, many people will have those moments where God brings lost opportunities and familiar situations back around to you. I keep seeing clocks spinning around and around and I also hear the Lord saying, "Now, this time don't let it pass you by." There are expiring wilderness seasons and the those who have been in intense hiddenness and preparation will emerge. Pioneers, you will find that something has shifted for you. This year you will see the fruit of what you were faithful with and embark on a new pioneering adventure.
Your Raw Will Turn into Your New Roar!
I feel so overcome by His presence, writing what I sensed was on His heart. I keep seeing hearts that have felt like doormats to others that God is picking up and breathing life into right now. I've felt such a fear of the Lord and heard Him saying, "Don't you touch My anointed! Don't treat My beloved that way!" It is the protective heart of God to bring strength and wholeness back to trampled hearts and restore them to full life. At the same time, God is pouring out the... (continue reading)