Let the Women Arise! My Journey in Empowering Women Today Free webinar replay with James W. Goll  WOW! My LIVE broadcast on Jan 8th was so exciting. Thank you to the thousands of people who registered from around the world and for your encouraging post-webinar survey responses. Thank you to the many people who already signed up for my upcoming LIVE 8-lesson class starting Jan 22, Empowering Women Today. If you missed the live broadcast, you still have time to watch the replay. But do so soon while it is available. Below is my recent invitation sent a few days ago. I hope you enjoy the message!!! It's time for women to arise! "The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim the [good] tidings are a great host." Psalm 68:11 Women, it is time to focus on Jesus, to do and be whatever brings Him pleasure. Men, it is time to focus on Jesus, to do and be whatever brings Him pleasure. Whether you are a man or woman is really not the main issue. Have you stepped out of your self-made limitations to fully live as the unique vessel that God has created you to be? It is time to put down the measuring stick of comparison to others and take up the promises of God, and the gifts and callings of the Holy Spirit, as men and women! Allowing God to develop in you a secure identity allows you to bless everyone around you, including the opposite sex. In the early years of our marriage my late wife had no ambition for ministry, she simply wanted a relationship with Christ, and to be a devoted wife and loving mother. But nine straight weeks of angelic visitations turned her into a prophetic lioness. Fear moved out of the way as the Lord invaded. Giving Him complete control redefined our priorities together. I had to step back as she allowed the Lord in her to step up. Scripture is full of women who were used by God in powerful roles in His Kingdom. Women like: - Miriam
- Deborah
- Mary, the mother of Jesus
- Anna
- Jael, Esther, Mary Magdalene, and more!
In our day, God is inviting women to arise. Not to be like men, or to replace men. But to walk in the fullness of their destiny and calling in Christ Jesus! We are truly better together! During this webinar, you will learn: - How God transformed my wife, breaking off fear and intimidation
- Keys to developing security in your identity in Christ
- 18 women used powerfully by the Lord in Scripture
- How to cultivate your unique calling and expression in Jesus
- Why it's time for women and men to arise in every sphere of society
FREE webinar replay: "Let the Women Arise!" with James W. Goll  BIOGRAPHY Dr. James W. Goll is the founder of God Encounters Ministries and has traveled around the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of numerous books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening, The Lifestyle of a Prophet and The Discerner. James is the father of four wonderful children with a growing number of grandchildren, and continues to make his home in Franklin, TN. Blessings for women to arise and be empowered in Jesus' name! James Dr. James W. Goll Founder, James W. Goll Ministries P.S. Don't miss James' message. Sign up NOW!  FREE webinar replay: "Let the Women Arise!" with James W. Goll  |