| Elijah List sends FREE encouraging daily Prophetic Words thanks to our sponsors (For more information, or if you would like to become a sponsor, click here) | | The Sneaky Secret of CoQ10 and Statin Drugs | Do you know how some CoQ10 is made? Learn the shocking truth you won't find on the label. | |  | You've probably heard about the many amazing ways that taking a Coenzyme Q10 supplement can benefit your health, from increased energy and mental clarity to significantly improved heart health. In fact, the effects of CoQ10 are so well established that it has become one of the most popular supplements, and many doctors, even conservative ones, are starting to recommend it. However, what many people don't realize is that many CoQ10 supplements—even some expensive ones—are made with a form of CoQ10 that is so poorly absorbed, it may as well be an empty pill. This is why many people take CoQ10 for years without ever experiencing noticeable benefits, and then unfortunately are led to believe that CoQ10 is more marketing hype than a health miracle. What a shame. CONSUMER ALERT: There's actually a shocking secret about the way most CoQ10 is manufactured that many companies don't want you to find out about. And if you fall victim to this ploy, you'll certainly miss out on CoQ10's incredible ability to invigorate your health with its unparalleled antioxidant benefits. My name is Joshua Corn and I'm the Editor-in-Chief of the Live in the Now newsletter, one of the fastest-growing natural health publications in the nation. My passion for natural health drives me to seek the truth and to educate people on alternative health solutions that are safe and effective. Please keep reading, because taking the right kind of CoQ10 can have a significant positive impact on your life, but you need to know what to look for so you don't waste your money and miss out on the opportunity to vastly improve your heart and overall health. | CoQ10 Is Fuel for Your Heart | Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day to get its job done and is fueled by CoQ10, which is why so many scientific studies[1] have shown that it confers powerful support for your entire cardiovascular system. When your heart has the high levels of CoQ10 it needs, it works like a charm. You see, your mitochondria (the cells' energy factories) need CoQ10 to generate ATP energy to keep your heart cells functioning and healthy. But when levels get too low, your heart strains to do its job, and ultimately your entire body suffers.[2] Suboptimal heart function can play a role in a variety of health problems that plague us as we get older. That's why taking the right CoQ10 can play a major role in making sure your body has the cellular energy you need to maintain a strong, healthy heart to live an active, healthy lifestyle as you age. | |  | By Age 50, Your CoQ10 Levels May Be in Decline | According to leading experts on the cutting edge of natural health, it's critical to supplement with CoQ10 as you age. After the age of 30, natural levels of CoQ10 begin to diminish. By the age of 50, this depletion of CoQ10 continues to accelerate and by age 70, your natural CoQ10 levels may be 50% lower than they were when you were a young adult![3] We all know that as we age, our bodies do not perform as well in certain areas. But in many of these cases, there's little we can do about it. That's why I get so excited about CoQ10. It's one tool that enables us to fight back against aging, and provide our bodies with a nourishing antioxidant that it is struggling to produce! However, age isn't the only factor that accelerates the loss of CoQ10. You may be shocked to learn that one of the worst culprits is pharmaceutical drugs, especially statins. | Statins and Other Drugs Can Quickly Deplete CoQ10 Levels | If you are taking a cholesterol-lowering statin drug such as Lipitor, Zocor, Crestor or Pravachol, then you're probably trying your best to stay on top of your cardiovascular health. However, I have important news to share with you today. While statins aren't for everyone (due to some well-established side effects), there is a hidden side effect that is not detailed on the warning label. And your doctors, in their rush to see the next patient, may have simply neglected to warn you, or even worse don't even know about it in the first place. It is widely known that statins severely deplete your body's natural levels of CoQ10, which can be very dangerous. A Columbia University study found that within 30 days, your levels of CoQ10 can be decreased by half.[4] Statin drugs aren't the only culprit. In fact, there is a long list of pharmaceutical drugs that rob your body of CoQ10. And since nearly 50% of American adults take at least one prescription drug daily, it's more important than ever to supplement with CoQ10 so you can be sure your body has the necessary levels needed for proper cellular energy function and a strong cardiovascular system. | Why You Need the Right CoQ10 | I can tell you firsthand that once you start taking the right kind of CoQ10, you'll know it without a shred of doubt. You'll experience a noticeable boost in your energy levels as you feed your mitochondria the fuel they crave. This increased energy production will, in turn, improve your heart health since an active, healthy heart has such high energy demands. And the benefits don't stop there. CoQ10 may in fact support both optimal brain and skin health. As I explained above, the older you get, the more likely you are to have reduced levels of CoQ10. This is why I recommend a high-quality CoQ10 supplement to help slow the signs of aging. But please don't grab the first CoQ10 bottle you see on the shelf believing it will provide these incredible health benefits. | |  | The Supplement Industry's DIRTY Little Secret | You can find CoQ10 supplements virtually everywhere. And unfortunately, most people are tricked into thinking all CoQ10 is the same. But there's a dirty little secret that they won't tell you on the label. Most of the major studies supporting the benefits of CoQ10 have been conducted with natural CoQ10. But many supplements are made with synthetic CoQ10. Worse yet, guess what synthetic CoQ10 is synthesized from? Believe it or not, tobacco leaves are the primary source! This synthetic junk is called the "cis" form, and there is absolutely no good data out there proving its effectiveness or safety. I don't know about you, but I don't want to put anything in my body that's used to make cigarettes. | Worse yet, guess what synthetic CoQ10 is synthesized from? Believe it or not, tobacco leaves are the primary source! | | | You might be surprised, but 100% natural CoQ10, known as the "trans" form, is usually no more expensive than synthetic CoQ10—you just need to know how to look for it. It's easy if you follow my simple "cheat sheet." | | How to "Read Between the Lines" | Discount brands, such as those found in drugstores or big-box retailers, take advantage of labeling requirement loopholes, and do a great job hiding the source of their CoQ10. Don't fall victim to their cost-cutting. | Here's my foolproof guide that will prevent you from being scammed: | • | Look for the words "trans-form" on the label. Trans-form CoQ10 is identical to the CoQ10 produced naturally within the body, and if you read the studies on CoQ10 like I have, you'll notice that most research is conducted using trans-form CoQ10. | • | Also check to see if the CoQ10 is made using a natural fermentation process, which yields by far the most natural form. This is a patented process used by only the most reputable, higher quality producers of CoQ10. | • | Seek out a supplement that contains piperine, an extract of black pepper. One problem with CoQ10 is that it's not always well absorbed within the body. However, research shows that piperine significantly increases CoQ10 absorption by up to 30%![5] | • | Finally, make sure it is manufactured in an FDA-inspected facility here in the U.S. Who needs CoQ10 bottled overseas in facilities of questionable integrity? It's just not worth the risk. | | CoQ10 May Be the Solution Your Doctor Overlooked | I've read hundreds of CoQ10 studies from around the world, and it's been confirmed time and time again that CoQ10 is amazingly safe and well tolerated by the human body. There appears to be no toxicity whatsoever, even at very high levels, and it has virtually no side effects.[6,7] Also, it doesn't make you jittery or upset your stomach, and it doesn't conflict with any other medications or supplements. | What it does is nothing short of a health miracle: | • | Energizes your heart and keeps it pumping strong[7] | • | Supports brain health and mental clarity[8] | • | Increases cellular energy and effectively combats fatigue[9] | • | Fights off harmful free radicals that accumulate in your body[10] | • | Supports optimal skin health | • | Helps to keep your eyes healthy[11] | • | Promotes optimal gum and oral health[12] | | The CoQ10 That I Personally Recommend | I invite you to shop around and do your own research, but the CoQ10 formula that I personally recommend is called MAX-Q10™. In addition to my work with Live in the Now, I run Stop Aging Now, a company that has been proudly making premium-grade supplements for over 20 years. I developed MAX-Q10 working with my Scientific Advisory Board as a way of fighting back against all the "DIRTY" CoQ10 out there on the market. My goal in creating this formula was to offer a CoQ10 product of superior quality at an amazingly affordable price, so that no one has to suffer the consequences of declining CoQ10. I take MAX-Q10 every single day without fail. Here's why you should consider doing the same: | • | MAX-Q10 is made in Stop Aging Now's own FDA-inspected facility located in Florida to meet or exceed the stringent USP standards for quality, purity, potency and disintegration, using the finest ingredients in the world. | | | • | Guess what? MAX-Q10 costs as low as $12.49 per bottle, which is the same or even less than those discount, low-quality brands. Plus, it ships to you for free. | • | MAX-Q10 comes with an "any reason" 365-day guarantee. That's right, take it for up to one year, and return it for a full refund if you don't like it. | | If You Are Suffering From Decreased Energy Levels or Want Your Heart Performing at Its Best...This Could Be You! | I get letters every day about the amazing benefits of MAX-Q10. Here are just a few of my favorites: |  | | "I use MAX-Q10 and I can really tell a difference in my energy level, mental alertness and overall healthy feeling."* | — Pam Roth from Kenner, LA | | |  | | "MAX-Q10 is our favorite supplement because it energizes our brain function while maintaining a healthy heart."* | — Patricia Geyer from Mt. Airy, MD | | |  | | "Since taking MAX-Q10, I have increased energy and stamina. I also have a sense of well-being in knowing I am optimizing my health and supporting my body."* | — Jasmine Kekona from Enterprise, OR | | |  | | "We no longer go to the big-box stores to buy CoQ10. It's a great feeling to know we can trust Stop Aging Now and feel good about taking MAX-Q10 every day."* | — Jim Stezaker from Lake Stevens, WA | | | | I Personally Guarantee the Quality | I personally guarantee MAX-Q10. I take it every day. So do my wife, my parents and many of my friends. I also personally inspect the manufacturing facility where MAX-Q10 is made on a regular basis to make sure my rigorous quality standards are being met to a tee. Lastly, I stand by this product 100%. If you don't like it, you may return your purchase any time within one year for a full, no-questions-asked refund. That way, you risk nothing. | Order Now and Quickly Feel the Difference! | The great news about MAX-Q10 is that it is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream, and you'll start feeling better faster than you may have thought possible. | | Whether you're concerned about supporting your heart, aging well or simply feeling more youthful, MAX-Q10 is a smart investment. | Get MAX-Q10 For As Low As $12.49 Per Bottle PLUS Get Free Shipping. ORDER TODAY! | Scientific References: 1. Gaby AR. Altern Med Rev 1996;1(3):168-175. 2. Mortensen SA et al,. Int J Tissue React 1990;12(3):155-162. 3. Wada H, et al. J Am Geriatr Soc 2007 Jul;55(7):1141-2. 4. Rundek T, et al. Arch Neurol 2004;61:889-892. 5. Badmaev V, et al. J Nutr Biochem 2000;11(2): 109-113. 6. Langsjoen PH, et al. Klin Wochenschr 1988; 66:583-593. 7. Langsjoen PH, et al. Am J Cardiol 1990; 65(7):521-523. 8. Young AJ, et al. CNS Spectr 2007; 12(1):62-68. 9. Tiano L, et al. Eur Heart J 2007;28(18): 2249-55. 10. Lee BJ, et al. Nutrition 2012;28(3):250-255. 11. Feher J, et al. Ophthalmologica 2005;219(3):154-166. 12. Iwamoto Y, et al. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 1975;11:265-71. | *Testimonial results not typical. Customers may have received a gift certificate after submitting their testimonial. The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All contents Copyright 2001-2018 Nutranext Direct, LLC. All rights reserved. Republishing of Stop Aging Now content without written authorization is strictly prohibited. | | | | To see the ingredients for this product, click here. To see the guarantee for this product, click here. | **Note: You will not be ordering this item from The Elijah List. Your order will be processed on the SAN site. Please contact them directly with any order inquiries or questions about this product. | | |  | |  | January 12, 2019 | | | | | |