From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Are you, like many others, really "going through it?" Is the warfare feeling a bit "off the charts" for you?
This is a short season we are in, where the enemy is hitting "very hard" toward those who are followers of Jesus Christ.
But God, in HIS INFINITE WISDOM, is going to allow us just enough discomfort to bring us back on track. Here is what Tom Hamon says:
God cares about your comfort, but not at the expense of your destiny. He will offend your flesh, put you in a wilderness experience, crucify your self-life and put you in a trial, all to perfect you and make you more like Him.
We are in a day, a season, a specific time period, when God is cleaning up many little areas of our life...He's cleaning up LITTLE things so that we may be effective in gigantic assignments from the Lord.
It may look bad today, but give it a few days, STAY IN FAITH, submit to God, and the devil WILL FLEE FROM YOU! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way, if you haven't heard, we have a new TV show called "Elijah Streams" which airs on GOD TV, DIRECTV and Faith USA. We interview many of the prophetic voices featured right here on the Elijah List. You can watch our latest episodes On Demand too right here on:
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Don't Crack! Attack and Take It All Back!"
Tom Hamon, Santa Rosa Beach, FL
In this season of the third Great Awakening in the Church, the enemy's resistance is real! The enemy wants to break the back of us, the Church, and make us collapse under the pressure being applied in this generation. Political correctness, new cultural norms and social pressure are trying to reshape the very fabric of the Church to be conformed to this world instead of being the transformational force we are called to be by the renewing of our minds by God's Word (Romans 12:2).
Without the Word of God as our basis of truth, the Church is doomed to fail. The enemy wants us to crack under the pressure—crack doctrinally, morally and spiritually! The Scripture says that the enemy is like a "roaring lion" seeking out the weak to see whom he can devour. I believe that is true in this generation more than ever before. The enemy has loosed a spirit of seduction, deception and intimidation against the Church that, if we are not strong, will cause our very foundations to crumble.
Hebrews 12 says that everything that can be shaken will be, and all I have to say is that there is a whole lot of shaking going on right now! It goes on to say that only the things of the Kingdom will remain and stand. I believe it is the job of the apostolic and prophetic to lay true foundations in the Church (Ephesians 2:20) so that the Church in this generation will withstand the heat and pressure that is coming against it today. Without that, I'm afraid the Church is destined to lapse into apostasy rather than awakening and revival.
"God cares about your comfort, but not at the expense of your destiny." |
In 1 Samuel 30, we see the story of David at Ziklag. We know that David had been on a long journey to fulfill his prophesied destiny of kingship. And if David had given up then, all of his sacrifices up to that point would have been for nothing. At Ziklag, the Amalekites attacked and robbed David and David's men, taking everything that was precious in their lives.
The Amalekite spirit is indicative of a viscous, violent spirit of robbery. The enemy's attack was not a direct one, to kill David, but rather an indirect one, to hurt and take what he most cared about. The plan was to make him crack and give up on his destiny. The pressure grew greater. Even David's loyal men, out of their grief, began to turn on David and blame him. They even contemplated killing him! These were desperate times and David had a decision to make: would he give in to what was happening in hopelessness, despair or would he attack back? David did the wise thing and inquired of the Lord. The answer was clear and emphatic: pursue, overtake, attack, take back and recover all! I believe this is the same answer that the Lord is decreeing to the Church today: "Attack your lack and don't look back!"
Don't Lose Your Confidence
What is the enemy trying to steal from you today? Here are a few things that I prophetically see. He desperately wants to steal your confidence. David's confidence in himself, his men and God, was shaken by what had taken place. He had been through so much in his life and became disheartened. The enemy wants to shake your confidence. You must be bold and believe for the great things God has promised you.
Don't Lose Your Peace, the Presence of God and God's Purpose!
The enemy attacked David's family and those who were in covenant with him in order to confuse David and hit him where it hurt. When something like that happens to us, it can cause us to react emotionally, but David was able to calm himself and seek God and receive the word he needed to hear in order to continue to advance toward his destiny. The enemy wants to rattle your cage and get you off your game but don't let him. Scripture declares, "The God of peace will soon crush satan underneath your feet..." (Romans 16:20). We pursue the Lord first so that we can pursue our enemy with confidence and take back all that he has stolen! God's peace will allow you to hear His voice and guide you to victory.
Don't Lose Your Hope!
Hopelessness is a direct attack against the nature of God. When resources are stolen and we feel powerless to see change, we can sink down into a state of hopelessness. The enemy wants to rob our hope of seeing things change or regaining our possessions. He wants to rob our hope for our family, or our purpose and power. But we must not give into the hopelessness the enemy is promoting to us and understand that Christ in us is the very hope of glory and the banner of victory to bring the change God wants. We must not shrink back in despair, but rise up in hope and faith to attack and take it all back.
Don't Turn Back!
Scripture instructs us to advance forward in our calling and to be more like Jesus. It exhorts us not to turn back to our old life or the rudimentary ways of this world. The enemy's strategy is multifaceted, but I believe one of his most insidious attacks involves the Church turning back at the very time we are called to... (continue reading)