From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a most encouraging word by Alane Haynes in which she shares some powerful words from the Lord and what He wants to do in this season.
There is no doubt...things are moving and shaking as God prepares us for a great outpouring of His Spirit across the earth.
God is setting things up for us to rule and reign with Him. Just read this awesome word of the Lord through Alane:
Then I heard the Lord say, "Do not be surprised in the days ahead. Do not let your heart be filled with dread. The furrows are dug to receive My rain; the landscape of your life will not look the same. For I am shifting and filling, removing and replacing. The blinders are being removed as the winds of change are coming, and you will see what has been blocking you from moving forward. Even now there is a fresh rain that is filling to make you willing. For the time of transformation is upon you. As I level the plain you will see new lands to attain for My reign.
Enjoy and be encouraged that God is working on your behalf in a multitude of ways! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"New Lands! I Am Bringing You into a Wide-Open Place"
Alane Haynes, San Diego, CA
On a recent morning the Lord encouraged me with these words: "I am digging up your fallow ground because I am ready to pour out My rain. My rain will fill your furrows and My reign will level the plains.
"Even as you have felt the pain of My digging those areas of hard ground – old mindsets, habits, lies the enemy had sown – this is so every place that the sole of your foot treads will prosper. The ground must be broken up so that the seeds long buried will come to the surface as I pour out the rain of My Spirit. Those seeds will receive living water, come to life, and prosper. I speak to dry, lifeless places in your soul: receive a fresh infusion of My life!"
New Vision
Recently, I dreamt of being on a journey that was filled with obstacles, twists and turns. There was flooding and I got stuck in mud. There was snow and I had no boots. I heard the Lord say, "I am bringing you into a wide-open place, but the way is narrow. It has required a training through hard places so that you would lean in hard to hear My voice and follow closely. This was necessary training, for the wide-open place can only be traversed accurately by My Spirit.
"A fresh wind of My Spirit is now being poured out, clearing away the clouds of confusion that have blocked your vision. For now you will see that I am moving in your midst."
"The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet." (Nahum 1:3 KJV) (Photo via Flickr)
The Lord says, "Now faith is rising. Now the path is clearer. Now you can see the places the enemy has stopped the flow of the wells of living water that were dug by My Spirit in times past. As you see, and by your will agree to walk with Me, I will bring help for the work at hand. You cannot do this alone. There are many wells the enemy has covered and others will help them to be discovered. Some of My wells have been forgotten, where troubles and cares have brought a blinding to hearts and eyes.
"There is a shift in... (continue reading)