From the desk of Steve Shultz:
More and more prophetic voices have said we are in a vast time of taking our Promised God is setting up things in our favor and on our behalf!
If you want to know that you know...what He is courageously calling you to right now, read this word by Faith Baczko:
God is saying that it is now time to intentionally rise, ramp up, transcend, breakthrough, and prepare to penetrate the greater dimension of His glory! He is calling out to us to begin to move in step with Him in the next season, a season that demands a deeper place in Christ, in order to possess broader places in Him. The River of Life in abundance awaits the bold and courageous! Many will begin to pass over at Passover to possess the promises of God. You have been fully prepared and equipped for this day!
Be encouraged to ramp up, breakthrough and more...into everything God is calling you to! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way, if you haven't heard, we have a new TV show called "Elijah Streams" which airs on GOD TV, DIRECTV and Faith USA. We interview many of the prophetic voices featured right here on the Elijah List. You can watch our latest episodes On Demand too right here on:
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Rise, Ramp Up and Breakthrough"
Faith Marie Baczko, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
During the first week of this year, I became quite sick and had to take a few days off to rest. As I lay on my couch, I took the opportunity to spend some time in prayer and soaking. God took this opportunity to get my attention! As I soaked, I began to perceive that God had something awesome on the horizon for His people in 2019. I also began to understand that the visions and promises God had given me, that related to my destiny in Him, were not necessarily going to be fulfilled in the manner I thought they were, and that it would probably look very different than what I was anticipating. I had a deep sense that in 2019 and 2020, we are approaching something very holy to God. It is wisdom to adopt a spiritual posture of humility before the majesty of the King in full surrender to His will, and in acknowledgment that Jesus Christ is Lord!
A Sacrificial Fire
"When things seem as if they are at their worst and the days look dark, that is when God tells us to look up, for our redemption draws near, and He moves suddenly to show forth His great power!" |
Directly in front of the couch where I lay soaking was our large screen TV, set to the fireplace channel. As I stared into the fire, the Lord said that I was to put everything into the fire as a holy offering onto Him—the ministry, the websites, my books, and courses! This is all my work and projects over the last 20 years, including all my hopes, dreams and expectations. Along with everything, I was to put myself on the altar and let the flames reduce it all to beautiful ashes! The fire symbolized the cleansing work of God where He would be purifying my life's work, the motivations of my heart, and the hidden desires of self.
I readily submitted to this process, fully expecting Him to refine the work for His greater glory, never expecting that He might not return some of the things I had placed in the fire—but that is what happened! God soon began to highlight certain things that were to remain in the fire. Certain projects I had worked on for years, others more recently—gone. These things had all bore a certain measure of fruit, but not to the level I had been expecting.
Having given birth to these endeavors, it was with some tears that in obedience, I put an end to them. After I got over the initial shock of what I had done, surprisingly, I began to experience much relief as the burden for these ventures lifted. I felt freedom! I have chosen to be vulnerable and transparent as I believe that many will relate with this word, and that through obedience they will experience the same relief and freedom I felt.
Laser-Beam Focus
I then heard the Lord say that I was to now "focus like a laser beam" on the original mandate He had given me: the primary vision. He revealed that the things He kept, although good, were not His first intention for me; they were secondary visions I had attached to the primary. He helped me to see that the secondary had become a hindrance and a distraction to the primary. I began to see and possibly others will relate to this: over the many years in long preparation and training for the mandate, the primary vision toward His destiny for us can become blurred and distorted by the flesh, emotions and enthusiasm. Because of a lack of clarity as to the manner of the fulfillment of the vision, the flesh tries to fill in the gaps and to add or subtract in an attempt to complete a picture given in seed form. Remember He says that His ways are so much higher and beyond our reasoning (Isaiah 55:8).
God impressed upon me that... (continue reading)