From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I know the revelation in Kevin Basconi's latest article here all to well. Yes, there are times we do right, live right and follow the Lord the best we know how...and we still deal with plenty of obstacles and challenges.
God uses these times to grow and mature us...and this could be for our calling, or our next season and more. Then out of this comes am amazing testimony that we get to share of God's goodness and faithfulness in our lives.
Kevin opens with this posing statement:
I want to speak prophetically in this article. Currently many people in the Body of Christ are going through difficult seasons. It is possible that their faith is being challenged. It may seem like you, personally, have been in a long cold season with your walk with the Lord. Would you please consider as you read this prophetic article that perhaps what you are experiencing is coming from the Lord and not the enemy?
Not that's a wow! Read on and receive the awesome revelation and prayer that Kevin offers to us! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Stand Firm in Your Season of Faith! A New Day is Dawning"
Kevin Basconi, Moravian Falls, NC
I want to speak prophetically in this article. Currently many people in the Body of Christ are going through difficult seasons. It is possible that their faith is being challenged. It may seem like you, personally, have been in a long cold season with your walk with the Lord. Would you please consider as you read this prophetic article that perhaps what you are experiencing is coming from the Lord and not the enemy?
Let's start with the life, ministry, and teachings of the Apostle Paul. Certainly Paul was not stranger to operating in the supernatural and dealing with opposition and oppression!
The Mysteries of God and the Seasons of Silence
1 Corinthians 4:1, "Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God."
What are the mysteries of the Lord? In Strong's Greek Concordance, reference 3466, it tells us the word for mystery is the Greek word "musterion," pronounced "moos-tay'-ree-on." This word is derived from the root word "muo," meaning "to shut the mouth." It is a secret or "mystery" through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites.
"The season of the testing and of the trying of your faith shall surely pass and all things will become new!" |
Along this road that we call "faith," or "the Christian walk," I have discovered that we all come to and must walk through differing and sometimes difficult seasons of God. Perhaps you are in such a season now? If not, then praise the Lord! Some of the mysteries of God are the seasons of silence. In these seasons of silence, the Lord seems to be hidden and we may find it hard to connect with the Spirit of God. He is not speaking to us clearly. As the word "musterion" implies, the Lord shuts His mouth! He does not seem to be leading us as He once did. In fact, it may seem as if the Lord is a million miles away. We have entered into such a season where God may be difficult to discern, and it may be hard for you to have communion with the Lord. If this is the case, don't worry! We need to remember that there are seasons of grace as well. We can learn more about this Kingdom principle in Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes 3:1;7-8: "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under Heaven...a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."
There is a time when the Lord allows us to enter into "a time to keep silence." He is silent at times (seasons). It is Scriptural. During these times, it seems that the Lord may allow our faith to be tested. In these seasons of hiddenness, our identity is often brought into question. (These questions can be soulish in nature or they can be a device of the enemy.) We may be going through or entering into a season of change. It could be a new job, a geographical move, or it could even be a contemplation of retirement. The truth is that these seasons of faith can be challenging and difficult in both the natural and in the spirit.
Recently I have been resting in the Lord, and I have come to believe—or one might say, come to the revelation—that there are many people who have entered into these kinds of seasons of silence. This started as I waited upon the Lord in prayer whilst in Jerusalem for eight days and nights in November of 2018.
Allow me to reassure you in this: the Lord will never forsake you and He will never leave you (Hebrews 13:5). The Lord is faithful, and He is just. However, there are times when He can be silent and it may seem that He is not speaking or revealing Himself to you. Some call these times "seasons of hiddenness." Seasons of faith such as these have even been called "the dark night of the soul" by others. Usually when it seems that you are living on the dark side of the moon, in reality, God is actually very near. God may allow us to be tested in seasons like these. And as we see in 1 Corinthians, the Lord is seeking faithful friends.
1 Corinthians 4:1, "Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. For I know nothing against myself, yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord."
Perhaps these seasons of darkness and seasons when it seems that our faith is being tried and tested are... (continue reading)