From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a profound dream that Kim Potter recently had about God calling us higher.
It's very detailed and will speak volumes to where He wants to bring us...
In her article Kim poses some questions to us:
...God is calling us to come up higher. Will you heed the call? Will you leave your baggage behind and lay aside the fears, hurts and disappointments of the past? Will you step through the narrow place and embrace the abundant life God has for you?
Now read on and gain some keys to enter in! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"A Call to Come Up Higher"
Kim Potter, Dayton, TN
Recently, I awoke from my sleep with my heart pounding. My mind was grasping for the quickly fleeing remnants of the dream, which I knew was no ordinary dream. It was one I knew was from the Lord, but I couldn't share it until I gained a better understanding. Instinctively, I knew my questions concerning this dream would not be answered quickly. It would take time seeking God. It could take hours, perhaps even days, spent in His presence before He would reveal the fullness of this encounter. In the days that followed, I jotted down insights as the Lord uncovered different aspects of the dream.
Narrow is the Way
"God will cause us to harvest even out of season, even when it seems impossible." |
One evening as I was sitting quietly before the Lord and as I closed my eyes, the dream began to replay in my mind. Every little detail returned as the dream unfolded. In the dream my daughter, her family and I were traveling to a certain destination. I assumed it was an adventure of sorts because we weren't traveling on highways. Instead we traveled the back roads. Although I didn't know where we were headed, we were relaxed and enjoying the journey.
As we noticed the setting sun, we began to look for a place to stay for the night. Although the drive through the country was serene and beautiful, there were no readily available hotels or overnight accommodations. Finally, we pulled onto an old, gravel driveway which led to a small country home. On the front porch sat an elderly lady.
As we all tumbled out of the vehicle and walked up to the porch, the sweet little lady was sitting in a rocking chair. She wore a short, striped apron. I could see her hands were busy, but I couldn't see exactly what she was doing until we moved closer. As we neared, I sensed the peace that surrounded her. She had the most beautiful countenance I had ever seen, as if the presence of God, Himself, surrounded her. Directly in front of her was an open Bible, sitting on a stand. In her lap was a large bowl filled with freshly picked green beans. When she glanced up and welcomed us, I could see she was breaking beans and preparing them for canning.
I glanced around the porch and I noticed baskets of freshly picked vegetables all around her. This wouldn't have been odd if it had been harvest season, but it wasn't. It was early in the year, before spring, before the time of planting seeds. It was still months before harvest season would begin. Yet, there she sat with an abundant supply of harvest all around her. Twelve baskets full to be exact.
As we walked up to her, she stopped breaking beans. She moved her Bible to the side, wiped her hands on her apron and smiled and stood up to greet us. She immediately welcomed us into her home. When we followed this wonderful, little old lady into her kitchen, instead of stopping to offer us refreshment, she quickly headed up the stairs to the back of her home. We followed.
We discovered there were...(continue reading)