From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is an exellent now word that many of you need to grasp and get ahold of!
Leon Walters is a senior pastor of Christian International Family Worship Center (CIFWC) in Versailles, Indiana, and shares a bold word to the Body of Christ in this hour:
The devil has stolen enough. He has crossed over into territory and tried to invade areas that are off limits to him. In 2 Kings, chapters 18-19, the king of Assyria crossed boundaries against Judah, and King Hezekiah and God did an about-face, defeating the king of Assyria. I hear the Father saying, "The devil has crossed over into territory that I did not allow, and if you will do an about-face and pray and cry out to Me as Hezekiah did, I will hear you. I will do an about-face. I will destroy your imposters and will cause you, in peace, to prosper in your land once again."
Now read on and find out how you can co-labor with God in this season of great boldness He is calling us into! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"Come to Attention, Do An About-Face and Charge!"
Leon Walters, Versailles, Indiana
I am hearing in my spirit that this year is not only a turnaround year, but it is also a year where the Church is doing an "about-face" in preparation for new battle plans that will outwit our enemies.
I began to do some research in relation to the military term "about-face" and other military terms in relation to warfare. There are several terms I feel Father God wants us to give special attention to this year. I believe that this will be unlike any other year for supernatural breakthrough. This is not only about turning around, but also about conquering, taking back and repossessing our land and rightful inheritances.
"God is calling His armies to prepare for war and to face their enemies, whether great or small." |
The devil has stolen enough. He has crossed over into territory and tried to invade areas that are off limits to him. In 2 Kings, chapters 18-19, the king of Assyria crossed boundaries against Judah, and King Hezekiah and God did an about-face, defeating the king of Assyria. I hear the Father saying, "The devil has crossed over into territory that I did not allow, and if you will do an about-face and pray and cry out to Me as Hezekiah did, I will hear you. I will do an about-face. I will destroy your imposters and will cause you, in peace, to prosper in your land once again."
Four Military Terms: Attention, About-Face, Charge and At Ease
1. Attention. The position of "at attention" or standing "at attention" is a military posture which involves the following general postures:
• Standing upright with an assertive and correct posture: famously chin up, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in.
• Arms fixed at the side, thumb or middle finger parallel to trouser or skirt seam, depending on military drill specifics.
• Eyes front: head and eyes locked in a fixed forward posture. Ideally eyes unmoving fixated on a distant object. Blank facial expression.
• Keeping the heels together, with the toes apart.
Explanation: The soldier does not speak or move in any way. The soldier is totally unmovable with their face looking straight ahead; eyes straight ahead. There are no speech, facial or bodily movements except when as required by a military drill.
2. About-Face. The "about-face" is a military drill command in which a unit or soldier makes a 180-degree turn. It means a sharp change in attitude or opinion, or to turn or face the opposite direction.
Explanation: The soldier is at the position of attention and when the command "about face" is given to the solider, the soldier will execute the foot movements that result in a 180-degree turnaround. When the facing movement is completed, they will be at the position of "attention" but now will be looking in the opposite direction.
3. Charge. A "charge" is a maneuver in battle in which combatants advance toward their enemy at their best speed in an attempt to engage in close combat. The charge is the dominant shock attack and has been the key tactic and decisive moment of many battles throughout history. Modern charges usually involve small groups against individual positions (such as a bunker) instead of large groups of combatants charging another group or a fortified line.
Explanation: In ancient battle tactics, the command to "charge" was not implemented without much strategic planning and was a coordinated advancement of troops with the intent to overrun the enemy. The perspective was that the charge would have a shock value used to annihilate the enemy. The shock value of a... (continue reading)