I'm pretty excited today about it all. Derene and I just returned yesterday from Washington, DC where we took you all (our readers) with us in our hearts. Some of you might have seen my Facebook LIVE from that very room, the Washington Hilton Hotel. (
Note: This is the same hotel at which President Reagan nearly lost his life in an assassination attempt as he was leaving the hotel.)
Ambassador of International Religious Liberty |
Now, this was both FUN and incredibly rewarding to say the least. No, for those who have asked, I've not yet had the pleasure of meeting the president in person but who knows what God might have on the agenda for us one day.
I'm attaching a few photos so you can see this amazing Presidential Prayer Breakfast.
Our own hotel was about half a mile away from this event but we had to get up at 4:30am, give or take, to get dressed up and shuttled over and then the long waits for security as they have to x-ray every last one of the 3 to 4 thousand of us.
I am SO EXCITED for our country, Elijah List readers! We have a president who I firmly believe and know was called by God for this time in
our nation. And both at his "State of the Union" speech a few days before and also at the breakfast, President Trump gave that same quote about LIFE...
President Trump at the Presidential Prayer Breakfast, on Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019: "Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life. And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth:
ALL CHILDREN, BORN AND UNBORN, ARE MADE IN THE HOLY IMAGE OF GOD!" - President Donald Trump One thing you must hear... |
While most who were in attendance were Christian, there were other religions participating as well. There were Muslims and many from the Jewish Community. There was a strong, STRONG sense of UNITY. Remember, this was only 2 days after the State of the Union Address.  |
Sandi McGuire and Summer Ingram |
The whole thing was convened by a Republican and a Democrat (I can probably get those names) and they said it was unfortunate that many did NOT KNOW how often many Republicans and Democrats meet together to pray each week. I think the number was 24 senators and congressmen. We here at Elijah List Ministries are happy to be able to communicate this now to you, our readers and you our Elijah Streams viewers. Not much of the truth from meetings like this ever sees the light of day in the current modern mainstream media.
Derene Shultz and Sandie McGuire in Trump Hotel |
Thank you for sending us! This is what you call a GOOD REPORT! God loves it when we give good reports. And I'm here to tell you God is clearly sitting on His Throne in Heaven while lovingly guiding this nation (and ALL NATIONS) for "as many who will come."
You can see that Derene and Sandi McGuire (who does partner development with us) and I made a trip to Trump Hotel to enjoy lunch in the lobby and it was just an amazing experience.
Here's something you may not have thought about |
The media by and large dislike President Trump. We know that. So guess who does not hang out at the Trump Hotel. No Media. I'm sure they get there sometimes but we could see congressmen and Senators sitting at other tables. Some who I recognized a little but you might say, if you want to go to a safe place when you visit Washington, DC, the Trump Hotel may be just the ticket for you!
Derene and I see you all as FAMILY and we appreciate and pray for you all! Your prayers always sustain us and get us through narrow places. And your financial help and special contributions makes it all work very well together. I think our number of employees is right at 25. Of course, this is a lot of payroll for us when we always ALWAYS serve you at no charge-- but in 21 years since the founding of the ministry, we've never missed or been late on even one payroll! Glory to God!
But many are a bit too close. We have had to stretch our faith, but God has never once let us down. Thanks again for your financial help this month. If you are able to give a certain amount that we charge to your card every month, that helps us a great deal too!