From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I really appreciate Victoria Boyson writing up this powerful word about the generations merging. Being in my 60s now, I feel that I've just started the second stage of my life...God has so much more in store for the seasoned generation!
Just read this prophetic exhortation from Victoria:
Moreover, you will see and are seeing God turn back time for His servants who, even though well-on in years, will work and live as though they were 10 to 20 years and in some instances even 30 years younger than their birth years. He's doing this simply because He needs you here on this earth and in good shape physically. As His Spirit is being poured out as promised, you will experience a regeneration of cells from the SPIRIT OF LIFE—the Holy Spirit. You will think and speak as though you had a pipeline of Heaven's power flowing though your body here on Earth.
I say a hearty amen to that!
Be blessed and highly encouraged in this article about the generations working together! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"2 Generations Will Merge - These Are the Days of Elijah!"
Victoria Boyson, Montgomery, TX
A Merging of Generations
In a recent dream, I entered a building packed full of people—middle-aged and younger—waiting in expectancy for a move of God to manifest in their midst. All were young except for my grandfather, who was sitting in a rocking chair surrounded by people. I ran to him, so happy to see him since he passed away in 2016.
He was happy to see me too, and said, "Victoria, many of my generation have been waiting for an outpouring of God's presence in the world for many years. Now they are older and have started to lose faith. Tell my generation that they will see the movement of God they've been waiting for. Tell them they WILL, indeed, see it."
As I turned to address the room, I realized a small band of older Believers—who'd also been faithfully anticipating a move of God—had followed me as I entered the building. The moment the two generations merged together, God fell on us all! Out of the blue, like a burst of lightning, the GLORY OF HEAVEN hit the place and it erupted with intense, overwhelming joy!
Honestly, there are no words to describe what I saw and felt in that place. Words pale in comparison to what we experienced, but it was literally like Heaven penetrated Earth and exploded in our midst. All at once, we started singing the song made famous by Judy Jacobs, "Days of Elijah"! As we sang the part that says, "There's no God like Jehovah," our worship mushroomed into an unfathomable concentration of explosive joy and inconceivable miracles began to break out. As supernatural phenomenons manifested in all of us we could neither explain or contain!
A Miracle Generation!
My precious grandfather died two weeks after turning 100 years old, as though he had waited to turn 100 and then went home to be with the Lord. Although he was a Believer, he was not a very spiritually-minded man, but it was through him God sent this message. So, I understood that God must be speaking more about his generation than anything else, and I believe his being 100 when he died was significant. I believe Father God was speaking to those who are 60 years plus and who have been watching and praying for God to move on this world and bring the healing they've been praying for.
The Father is summoning my grandfather's generation, saying, "You will see the HAND OF THE LORD in your midst! You will see the...(continue reading)