From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
God is speaking in great detail to us in our dreams and visions.
Here is another excellent teaching about our "dream language" from Sandie Freed.
Sandie is one who shares in detail from what she has experienced in her own life, and gives great insight here for the Church Body.
If you are experiencing increased dreams and visions and want to better understand them, I encourage you to read through this recent article from Sandie Freed, and also get her new dream book she mentions below that will help you understand your own dreams in much more detail. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Why the Enemy Hates Your Dreams & Visions & What to Do About It"
Dr. Sandie Freed, Bedford, TX
2019 has been prophesied to be the season for increased dreams and visions. As I write this message to you, I am also packing for a trip where I am speaking at a dreams and visions conference.
While preparing to go, I heard the Lord say to me, "Satan hates the fact that you are a dreamer. Tell My people that in this season I will reveal many hidden mysteries during their dream times. Hidden, generational strongholds are about to be revealed and many questions that need answers are about to be answered. Your enemy hates the fact that I chose to speak to My people through their dreams and visions. Tell them that I release My love, care, direction and destiny through this heavenly language."
When the Lord spoke this to me it was very clear that He was alerting us of the enemy's attempts to block God's children from experiencing dreams and visions. Those who are anointed dreamers and seers are under a demonic attack because their gifting is important to advance the Kingdom as well as their personal destinies. Satan desires to stir doubt and unbelief concerning our dreams because God imparts, equips, heals and even empowers us through them.
Satan wants to block our ability to hear God's heavenly language. In fact, he hates the fact that you have access to God's heavenly love language (dreams and visions), which is God's way of bypassing our minds and speaking directly to our spirits. In our dreams and visions, God reveals divine strategies to defeat the enemy's plans, expose generational strongholds, identify personal destiny and even shift nations! I realize "hate" is a strong word, but let me assure you, he goes about like a roaring lion seeking to kill, steal and destroy! A lion is ruthless when it seeks its prey. A lion is NOT meek in its pursuit – thus the reason for the intense attacks you may be witnessing right now!
God Cares About Your Future
Let me hone in and make this more personal. I have always believed that when we experience God more on an individual level, we cannot only shift our personal circumstances, but God can also use us to minister His perfect will to others and advance the Kingdom. Most of us, as Believers, are familiar with the passage in Jeremiah 29:11, which reminds us that God cares about our individual futures. It's very clear that the Lord has a blueprint for each of our lives. This blueprint involves our fulfilling divine destiny and experiencing fulfillment.
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)
Yes, God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, but the enemy attempts to convince each of us of the opposite! The enemy purposefully targets each of our destinies by causing us to doubt God's faithfulness and love, yet the Lord will speak through a dream or a vision concerning His true identity, His direction and even warnings, all in an attempt to draw us closer to Him. The problem is...(continue reading)