From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

This is one of the most practical and detailed articles about our "dream life."
I know many of you have been experiencing an up-tick in your own dreams.
Often we can wonder after we wake up, "Was that dream really from God or was that a pizza dream (meaning my own imagination)?" OR you may have trouble recalling dreams...
If so, you've GOT to read this most excellent and well written dream article from Barbie Breathitt. Barbie and her ministry are known for dream interpretation and revelation.
I encourage you to read through this, print it out for yourself, and for further study grab hold of Barbie Breathitt's books below we've included with her article!
It's time to walk out our dreams from the Lord, and see them come to fruition! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"How to Increase Your Dream Life! Remove Hindrances and Recall Your Dreams"
Barbie Breathitt, North Richland Hills, TX
Dreaming is both a physical and a spiritual event in life. It is helpful to establish good, healthy habits and take care of the body to ensure a healthy dream life.
Dream Hindrances
There are factors that can limit or hinder dream recall or impair our ability to dream. Dream impairment and recall issues common to many are:
• Sleeping disorders.
• Abnormal sleep cycles.
• Jarring wake-up by an alarm clock.
• Sleeping in uncomfortable conditions.
• Lacking a system to capture our dreams.
• Believing negative cultural perceptions of dreaming.
• Eating the wrong types of food before going to sleep.
• Giving no thought to dreams immediately after waking.
• Nightmares or tormenting spirits that enter our dreams.
• Experiencing chronic pain or the effects of medication.
• Prescription drugs or recreational drugs, alcohol, sleeping pills and cigarettes alter the chemical makeup of the body. Medications that treat depression, fear or anxiety may also distort dreams.
• Menstrual cycles and pregnancy cause hormonal changes in the body, which can make dream recall difficult.
Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, or tossing and turning in bed, sleepwalking and making frequent trips to the bathroom at night cause interruption of sleep cycles and patterns that prohibit dream recall. There are many great devices that are available to help resolve or lessen these problems.
Eating heavy, fatty, rich or spicy foods before bedtime may cause the body to direct the blood flow to the digestive system rather than to the brain during sleep.
Various interferences such as waking up suddenly in the morning to an alarm clock will jar the dreamer out of sleep causing the mind to erase details of the dream. Telephones, doorbells, knocking, slammed doors, children playing, family members' voices or anything that causes sudden awakening may vaporize part of or all of the night's dreams.
Sometimes forgetting a dream is... (continue reading)