From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I hardly know anyone who hasn't been praying for family and loved ones' salvations...and for the prodigals to come home!
The harvest is here and prodigals returning to the Lord is a big part of it.
I know you'll appreciate this word from Ben Lim as he shares:
...The prodigals are returning to the Lord and are coming home to the Father. We are in a season of family miracles. We are in a great season of awakening. And a sign of this is that there will be a mass abundance of prodigals returning home. I declare it unto you, the prodigals are coming home!
Be encouraged and share this with everyone you know...the prodigals are coming home! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Sudden Harvest! Family Miracles and Prodigals Returning!"
Ben Lim, Los Angeles, CA
Lately, the Lord has been speaking to me about how ripe the harvest is. I believe that at least one-third of the Billion Soul Harvest, that Prophet Bob Jones and so many others have prophesied about, is made up of prodigals. What I mean by "prodigals" is they are those people who were once Bible Believers, raised in Christian homes, attending church and ministering to people. These prodigals are ones who once had a burning heart encounter and passion for Jesus, but have somehow become cold and lukewarm.
I believe these prodigals are being called out of the caves by the very voice of God. There is a great awakening happening and the Lord is causing hard and rocky hearts to turn and to return to Him. The Lord is calling them out!
"Don't you have a saying, 'It's still four months until harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." (John 4:35)
The harvest is ripe and the sickle is sharp. The Lord is wanting to harvest souls now! Even as we've just celebrated Passover, which literally commemorates God's people passing through the River Jordan of judgment and crossing over from death to life, the Lord is prompting the prodigals to cross over today.
The Prodigals Are Coming Home!
Just about one month ago, I was told that my very own older brother who I have been praying for, went up on a two-day retreat with my father's Korean church group and while there, he rededicated his heart and life back to the Lord. Hallelujah! Growing up as a pastor's child, there were many complications and difficulties, but the arm of the Lord is not too short to save!
I believe that this is exactly what we are experiencing right now in the Body of Christ. The prodigals are returning to the Lord and are coming home to the Father. We are in a season of family miracles. We are in a great season of awakening. And a sign of this is that there will be a mass abundance of prodigals returning home. I declare it unto you, the prodigals are coming home!
One Lamb Per Family
According to Scripture...(continue reading)