From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

This is a powerful and important word from our friend, Demontae Edmonds.
I have come to know Demontae for several years now and found him to be highly accurate in his prophetic gifts.
Demontae shares this intriguing word here:
No revival, reformation, or major shift in Christianity has occurred without this gift being prominent. Sure some revivals have been earmarked by prophecy, healing, or salvation but this gift was still foundational in each instance. I'm sure you are wondering what gift this is. It is the gift of...
Now I am not going to give it away. Read on and discover vitally important keys and insights from Demontae. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"One of the Most Important Gifts Given to Man"
Demontae Edmonds, Virginia Beach, VA
God impressed upon my heart to share one of the most important and powerful gifts given to man from the Holy Spirit. The last century we have witnessed a restoration of the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, the nine gifts of the Spirit, and the five-fold ministry offices. During this present hour many have become infatuated and enthralled in particular by the gift of prophecy.
One way this has become evident is that prophetic gatherings have multiplied in number and grown in size. Prophecy, as well as the other gifts of the Spirit, have such a powerful ability to change lives and impact destinies of individuals. However, there is one gift of equal, if not greater, vitality and importance. This gift is commonly untaught, rarely mentioned, and often not considered "a gift" from God.
No revival, reformation, or major shift in Christianity has occurred without this gift being prominent. Sure some revivals have been earmarked by prophecy, healing, or salvation but this gift was still foundational in each instance. I'm sure you are wondering what gift this is. It is the gift of spiritual hunger. Many times we have not recognized spiritual hunger as a gift. (Photo via Unsplash)
Every revival and reformation started with...(continue reading)