From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Lana Vawser of Australia is one of our most popular writers on the Elijah List.
She always has a NOW word of the Lord and encourages the Body with deep revelation.
Just about everyone I know has been "going through it" and you really need to grab hold of this word through Lana:
I heard the Lord say, "I WILL MAKE UP AND MORE." Not only will the Lord make up for the battles, the trials and what has been stolen, but He is going to do MORE. You will have more than you have asked for. You will carry more than you imagined. You will receive more than you have believed for.
Enjoy this word and please send it to everyone you know...get ready for God's unexpected blessings coming your way! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Year of the Unexpected Blessings!"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
This week I heard the Lord say, "Remember I said this was the year of the unexpected? Here come the unexpected blessings."
A sense surrounded me that MANY Believers in 2019, have been surrounded by the unexpected but in the NEGATIVE sense. They feel like they have been "sideswiped" by curve balls and unexpected attacks, situations and circumstances. They have been in that place of crying out to the Lord, saying, "God, I can't take any more unexpected curve balls and hits!" For many people, the word "unexpected" has become a negative word in 2019. It has produced a foreboding for the future.
When I heard the Lord say, "Here come the unexpected blessings," another sense surrounded me. The sense of the goodness, faithfulness and the love of God – the divine surprises of a good Father.
2019: The Year of Mathew 7:11
I then heard His voice thunder in a strong decree...(continue reading)