From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Unlike many people, I LOVE CHANGE.
We need to be ready, willing and able to transition into every kind of change.
God is not messing around. He wants to change EVERYTHING in our lives.
Get ready because everything is about to change! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Everything is About to Change. Get Ready!"
Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA
The Church is undergoing a radical overhaul. We are in a major season of transition. The Body of Christ is rising up and engaging in the culture as never before, and many are taking ownership in our mandate to steward the earth as Kingdom sons and daughters. As we have been praying for God's will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, God has been preparing the way for the Bride of Christ to mature and take her rightful place in Earthly affairs.
Many prophetic voices have been calling Believers to step up, speak out, and become change agents in the land. The call for the Church to "wake up" has been heard as sin and corruption are being exposed in both the secular and the sacred. Prayers for the nation and intercession for the Church have increased as governmental and social issues are challenging conservative Biblical world views. Collectively, we are in the birth pangs of national deliverance and Heaven is cheering us on to break the waters that will bring renewal and revival.
As a result, the Lord is shifting the grace on numerous leaders in the Church, preparing them for roles of apostolic administration to build and establish that which has been prophesied for years. Even in the midst of warfare upon the White House, God is preparing HIS house for major renovations!
There is an attack on leadership because of where Heaven is about to take us. The leadership that will be required has been undergoing a metamorphosis. God has been working behind the scenes in the lives of many Believers, preparing them for the roles they will fill and the assignments they will be given. (Photo via Unsplash)
Waiting in a Cocoon of Transition
For some, you have wondered what's happening. That which was familiar is now outdated and that which was once considered easy is now laborious and tiring. This is because the grace for the past season is shifting. It has not lifted but is being shifted. God is preparing you to...(continue reading)