From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Robert Henderson carries a profound knowledge regarding heavenly things... and so many people have received incredible breakthrough from his ministry.
This is an excellent article about claiming what God has given... to you!
Here's a teaser from Robert:
God has ordained the length of our lives so we can fulfill all that is written in our books. It is our job to discover what is in our books and to fulfill it...
Now read on for more prolific insight and a powerful prayer that Robert Henderson offers to apprehend what God has given to you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"How to Claim All That God Has Written in Your Book in Heaven!"
Robert Henderson, Midlothian, TX
Your Book of Destiny and What's in It
For anyone who has followed the teaching on the courts of Heaven, you will recognize the importance of "Books of Destiny" in the courts. There are actual books/scrolls in Heaven that declare our purpose for existence on the earth. Psalms 139:16 reveals David's understanding of this.
"Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them."
David is declaring that there is a book in Heaven that speaks not only of his makeup but also of his destiny and purpose in life. This is quite an interesting Scripture. Before a book existed, God saw our substance. Our books had their beginning through God seeing something before it existed that was yet unformed.
Our destiny and purpose began through the prophetic nature of God as a seer. God saw us functioning in the earth realm before it was naturally there. He then wrote in a book two things connected to our function. He first wrote my substance. I believe this has to do with our DNA – what makes us unique and who we are as individuals. It has to do with our desires and what we gravitate to. It has to do with our gifts and abilities. It has to do with what we are good at and what we are not good at. All these things coincide with the destiny and purpose we were made for.
So one of the best ways to discern what is in your book is to look at... (continue reading)