From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

This is most definitely a NOW word to many of you in the Body of Christ.
So many have been dealing with disappointments and even attacks lately.
Don't give up or retreat! You need to read this word by Christy Johnston of Australia as she shares:
I saw in my spirit how many are on the edge of their breakthrough, but are feeling the overwhelming desire to retreat. The opposition you have been facing, the disappointments, the disorientation, it has all been an attempt to deter you from the ancient wells that are within your reach.
I believe we are in a time of commissioning right now, where the Lord is assigning new mantles and assignments to His sons and daughters, and it is through these assignments that revival will be commissioned and sustained in us and through us.
Now read on for a much needed encouragement for you in this time! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"Strike Your Wells of Revival!"
Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
The Holy Spirit has been impressing "Ancient Wells" upon my heart in recent weeks. On a morning I woke up and heard Him say, "I am calling My people to strike ancient wells of revival in this hour." I saw a vision in the spirit of a fierce battle that has been waging in the second heaven – a battle of ferocity that has been over the reclaiming of these ancient wells. Many have been finding themselves in the thick of this fight, not realizing what it was over, and many thought they had been waging an insignificant war. However, you have indeed been battling for ancient wells, though you may not have known it.
If you have found yourself in a fight of confusion, distraction and disillusionment, it is because God has marked you with revival for this very hour. The enemy sees this divine marking upon your life and has unleashed every distraction possible to try and prevent you from crossing over this threshold and reclaiming these wells. Significantly, his tactic has been to prevent you from the revelation of what you were fighting for.
Strike, Don't Retreat
You might be questioning what I mean by ancient wells. They are the wells of contending prayers of many past generations, the promises of God that are yet to be unearthed, and the wells of revival that our previous ancestors cultivated. We see all throughout Scripture how God honored the prayers of His people, long after they were gone.
Likewise, I believe that there is a window of opportunity opening to us right now, where the Father is calling you and I to strike the ground of ancient wells, ancient prayers and ancient revivals. I believe we are living in a time where we will see with our own eyes the fulfillment of prayers that were contended for long ago, and the fulfillment of revivals that died out before their time.
I keep seeing in my spirit a reawakening of revivals like Azusa Street and the Welsh Revival, to name a few. I believe the heart of God is not just to reawaken these movements, but to pour out something EVEN GREATER than what was seen there and to SUSTAIN them through us. His heart isn't just for us to recapture these wells, but to sustain them. (Photo via Pixabay)
I hear the Lord saying...(continue reading)