From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Our God is a God of restoration and He does this very well. I've seen this time and time again in mine and others' lives.
What the enemy "thought" he stole from you, the Lord will restore and far greater.
Just read this word of the Lord through Jamie Rohrbaugh:
"Even now, as I am restoring you, I am expanding your territory. I am preparing more joy for you than you have ever had before; and indeed, if you will look around you, you will notice that you are already in that place of more joy. I will not stop until I have rebuilt your life better than you could have ever dreamed."
Be encouraged that God's BEST plans for you are just up ahead! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The God of the 'Best' is Restoring MORE than What You Lost"
Jamie Rohrbaugh, Chattanooga, TN
Beloved, are you in the middle of a period of great loss right now? If so, the Lord wants you to know: "I am restoring you BETTER than you were before!"
This is what the Lord showed me from the past:
Starting in the summer of 2015, many of God's people began experiencing great losses. The losses you felt may have been brutal, and even beyond your wildest imaginations; something so bad or so painful you never dreamed it would happen to you. Like dominoes, valuable things in your life fell away, one after the other, as the enemy robbed you of what you held dear. However, the losses didn't last forever. After awhile there was nothing left to strip. That season of loss ended abruptly in a way you had never planned on it ending.
What is the Place of Restoration?
For many of you, in the past two years or so, you've been in a place where the Lord has been healing you. However, you have missed the big point the Lord wants you to know today: The place where you are is not just a place of healing. It's a place of restoration.
In a place of restoration, according to the Biblical definition of the word "restore," things actually become better than they ever were before. And the place where you are is going to turn out BETTER for you than the old place ever would.
In this place here is what you will experience...(continue reading)