Intro from Ryan LeStrange:
Andrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice and a powerful preacher. He leads a dynamic church and has a growing ministry. He is also a part of my global ministry network and family.
I believe in his accuracy, integrity and passion. His preaching is powerful and his voice, strong. I highly recommend him as a rising prophetic voice to the nations. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Ryan LeStrange, Pastor & Founder
Impact International Ministries/Ryan LeStrange Ministries
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"The New Move Marked with My Glory"
Andrew Towe, Chattanooga, TN
The Lord spoke to me several weeks ago concerning a "New Move of God" that is coming. He said, "I am uprooting religious systems and tearing down man's way of doing things. This 'New Move' will be marked by My glory, and the flow will be pure."
I have been preaching and prophesying a series of messages on this "New Move" for several weeks at my church in Chattanooga, TN, and last week I had a dream unlike any that I have ever had.
In my dream the Lord took me to stadiums that were filled to capacity. I watched as people ran to the altars to give their lives to Jesus. It was as if I could visibly see them transforming from darkness to light before my eyes. It was not because of their emotions but rather Jesus was showing me what was taking place in the supernatural realm.
He then showed me what I would describe as a wave of healing that swept over the massive group of people. Multitudes of people were being miraculously healed. I stood in awe as I saw all of these things happening. Jesus then said, "Look again." As I turned back to look at what He was showing me, I saw...(continue reading)