From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
We are truly moving into a new day and a lot of people are transitioning to new callings and ministries that God has put in their hearts to birth.
This is one powerful word full of prophetic revelation from the Lord through Candice Simmons.
I would take this word to heart and let the Lord speak deeply to you about what Candice shares including:
The old era is over, and a new day is now here. We're moving into the new and fresh move of God on the earth. Our daily movement must be by revelation from the Word and Holy Spirit – not just information – or our we'll be stuck wandering. So, I'm declaring that we're moving in!
The following are the 7 points the Lord gave me...
Now read on for much more and the 7 points the Lord gave Candice that will really help you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"We're Moving into a New Era of Wonder and Adventures"
Candice Simmons, Wichita, KS
Happy June! At the time of writing this, we (my husband and I) just had our third great grandchild born on Brian's birthday. Our life just seems to be getting better every year. We are taking this new baby being born as another sign of double blessing on our lives, and we're praying that back on each one of you! May you be doubly blessed as well as you read this letter.
As I meditated on this month the Lord kept taking me back to the word He gave me last month. In case you missed it here's how it started out:
May 2019 – Brian and I are so excited for the days ahead of us! We feel as though we're in the days of transformation! But as with everything, before the world can be transformed, we must be transformed first!
Just recently Doris Day, a very famous actress from the 50s, passed away. And one of the songs she made famous was "Que Sera Sera," which means "whatever will be will be." And the song goes on to say, "The future's not ours to see." I felt the Lord say, "We are no longer living in the era of Que Sera Sera, whatever will be will be. That passed away with Doris." (Not to be disrespectful to Doris in any way, except to say that this time has passed.)
We're now in a time of Kingdom pullers. We must determine in our hearts to move into the grand plan set before us. Transition time is over and we can't afford to let time get away from us. Our decisions right now affect what lies ahead of us. If we give ourselves over to the Father as His loving partners and put Him and His directions for our lives first, we'll step into our future, the perfect plan that He's mapped out for us.
Lately, I've heard several people say, "I hear you, but what are some concrete things that I can do to partner with Holy Spirit in this new day?" And so, as I was sitting in the Creative Conference at Bethel, Redding, I began to hear the Lord speak to me about what that looks like and how to move toward our own personal transformation.
How to Move out of the Old & into the New Era of Transformation
We have the power to postpone our destiny or to step into it. Like the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness, the decisions we make today will affect whether we take an eleven-day journey (Deuteronomy 1:2) or whether we wander in the wilderness for forty years because we fail to implement the Word in our lives. You get to make that decision.
It's time to enter in through the power of Almighty God. It's time that we don't allow our fear to keep us hanging on to the old things that no longer work and are not God's plans for this season. Quit propping it up and shift into God's purpose and destiny for you. Don't hang on to something that He's no longer doing. The old era is over, and a new day is now here. We're moving into the new and fresh move of God on the earth. Our daily movement must be by revelation from the Word and Holy Spirit – not just information – or our we'll be stuck wandering. So, I'm declaring that we're moving in!
The following are the 7 points the Lord gave me while sitting in the Creative Conference...(continue reading)