From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

I hardly know anyone who hasn't felt setback at times when tough times come their way.
I know this very well too, but' I've also seen God move in a mighty way when I have faced difficult hardships!
If you've felt setback, you've got to read this most encouraging word from Candice Simmons, who is very transparent about some of the setbacks she has walked through.
This is so good, and I encourage you to send it to others too.
If you've been setback, know that God has got you and is bringing a great setup your way! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Surprise! What May Seem to You Like a Setback is Really My Setup!"
Candice Simmons, Wichita, KS
This last month was very different one for me and my husband Brian. We'd set aside three weeks to catch up on things at home but, as you know, things don't always go as planned. The Scripture actually says in James 4:14, "But you don't have a clue what tomorrow may bring..."
The Father's plans and our plans often differ from each other. If you want God to laugh just tell Him your plans! Jeremiah 10:23 says, "I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course."
God has a plan for us and He has a way of getting us on it. So instead of doing catchup during our time home, we ended up taking care of breakdowns. Most of our electronics (computers and phones) went on the blink, and we ended up purchasing new ones. Then we spent countless hours setting them up. Of course we'd forgotten most of our passwords for our apps and had to reset them all.
Just before all of our computers and phones crashed, I had a dream. In the dream the Lord said that He was going to give us a new operating system. I can't say that He didn't warn me, I just didn't know how literal the dream would turn out to be. So in the middle of setting everything back up, I heard the Lord say, "Surprise! What may seem to you like a setback is really My setup! I am setting you up for what I have ahead. You may like the old operating system because it was familiar and comfortable, and maybe you don't enjoy all this work right now, but you'll be pleased with the outcome. Everything will run much better, and you will happy in the end. So you have a choice. You can murmur and complain or you can do the work and thank Me because when you finish, you'll be better off."
You may be facing huge setbacks today in your business, in your job, in your family, in your life; but I say to you: What seems like a setback today is actually God setting you up for something better!
While all of this was going on around us, I had a vision of haywire. "Haywire" is a well-known word here in Kansas. It's a very thin wire used in baling hay. And if the baler doesn't work properly or the baling wire snaps while in the process of baling, you'll have a tangled mess on your hands. The term actually means to go out of control or to go berserk. Maybe you're feeling this way; your patience is wearing thin and you feel like you're about to snap. But God! God is here to assure you that things are working together for good! He has your back. He has a plan, and even though you may not see Him or you aren't experiencing Him right this moment, it doesn't mean He's not here for you. On the contrary, He's laughing at your enemy right now.
Psalm 2:4, "God-enthroned merely laughs at them; the Sovereign One mocks their madness!"
Any setback the enemy has planned for you God is going to use to set you up for something much better than you've experienced in the past! You're are in the midst of a God setup! (Photo via Unsplash)
Psalm 29:10-11, "Above the furious flood, the Enthroned One reigns, the King-God rules with eternity at His side. This is the one who gives His strength and might to His people. This is the Lord giving us His kiss of peace.
Right now I'm hearing the Lord say...(continue reading)