July 3, 2019 "Keep Your Eyes on the Sky This 4th of July!" Hank Kunneman, Omaha, NE From the Desk of Steve Shultz: One of my favorite holidays is the 4th of July. Not only do I love fireworks but I love the MEANING of them on the 4th. God LOVES the United States of America and when we see the bursts of fireworks we are also seeing the burst of HIS LOVE for this nation. Note the dates on this word. They were well before any news in the media. Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. To partner with us, click here. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at: Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: https://elijahlist.com/subscribe. Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News http://www.elijahlist.com ************************************* "Keep Your Eyes on the Sky This 4th of July!" Hank Kunneman, Omaha, NE  Prophecy: March 3, 2019 I see the 4th of July. Something is happening this 4th of July. Heaven is about to come down on this 4th of July. There is a major shift coming this 4th of July! A convergence of Heaven touching this nation. "The sound has touched the heart as I have spoken of your president," says the Lord. "And it is a sound in his heart to bring an honor to this nation, but to also bring an honor to the God of this nation. Therefore, watch your 4th of July. There shall be a gathering; there shall be a call this 4th of July, 'Come and gather.' Do not think this is a small, insignificant thing for with the call to gather, it is part of My plan to unite this nation." (Photo via Unsplash) Prophecy: May 26, 2019 Your nation is being set free; therefore, in the summer of light, watch what is declassified. Watch what comes to the light. And when you see your fireworks, this is a sign of spiritual forces being broken, being thrown from their lofty place. It shall, for a season, create chaos, and this will seem like your summer, but do not look at the chaos! Do not look at the heat by way of the natural and heat of violence. Keep your eyes upon the sky! Look to the sign of the light and what breaks forth in your expression this 4th of July. Hank Kunneman One Voice Ministries Email: hankandbrenda@ovm.org Website: www.hankandbrenda.org Hank Kunneman is the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and founder of One Voice Ministries. As an uncompromising voice that God is using to stir up the Body of Christ, he is known for a strong prophetic anointing as he preaches. He travels and ministers extensively as he and his wife, Brenda, preach together at conferences, churches, and national television programs throughout the United States and overseas. Together, the Kunneman's also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Pastor Hank has also authored several books including Prophesy with the Wind of God in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Don't Leave God Alone, and Barrier Breakers. ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: https://elijahlist.com/subscribe Visit our webstore and check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: http://www.elijahshopper.com/cant-you-talk-louder-god-secrets-to-hearing-the-voice-of-god-revised-and-updated-edition-by-steve-shultz/ Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications 528 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321 www.elijahlist.com email: info@elijahlist.net Phone 1-541-926-3250 Elijah List - 528 Ellsworth St SW, Albany OR, 97321 | You are currently subscribed to elijahlist as: kukash@gmail.com Add mail@elijahlistmail.com to your email address book to ensure delivery. | Forward to a Friend | Manage Subscription | Subscribe | Snooze Your Elijah List Daily Prophetic Word email subscription is sent to you FREE OF CHARGE and is made possible through continued sponsored advertising support. If you would like to stop your Elijah List Daily Prophetic Word e-mail subscription, please Click Here | |