From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steven and Rene Springer are changing the world and thus they are changing the Kingdom of God.
What they are saying here is very, VERY important! Don't skim it but read it slowly and carefully.
This couple have paid the severe price to prophesy what they are prophesying to you today. Please take it to heart. I am! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"From Revolt to Revival - God is Birthing Something Massive in America"
Steven and Rene Springer, Madison, WI
From Revolt to Revival
by Steven Springer
In a vision I saw an increase of rioting across the earth. There is a generation trying to find their voice and trying to find their identity. Let the spirit of adoption overtake the spirit of anarchy!
Racial conflicts are not over yet but I see HOPE on the horizon! Some kind of war is going to bring unity to our nation again, something on our own soil.
The revelation of 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 will be understood by the majority of Believers in Christ, not just the leaders and intercessors! God's desire is heal the land.
Let's be praying for divine intervention.
The Dragon
In a vision I saw a...(continue reading)