Intro from Joey LeTourneau:
"In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge." (Proverbs 14:26)
I don't often reshare a word from the past, but this one has been popping up in my spirit frequently as of late. When it was originally posted, I had an inordinate amount of responses from those who were contending in very similar ways all across the world.
I believe this word may even be more relevant right now because many are exhausted while literally crossing over a very narrow finish line of seeing such house/land promises become a reality.
You may be immersed in battle, but know that you are contending for a destiny far greater than your own—the destiny of a town, region, other lives and more.
Right now it is incredibly important not to give our fear to the enemy, but give every ounce of fear to the Lord to be turned to confidence as we contend for and step into these lands together.
Pick up your keys of authority now and let's access and freely RECEIVE these lands that God has prepared to love, grow and sustain His family. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
God bless you!
Joey LeTourneau
Heavenly Hope Ministries
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"How to Rebuild God's House and Family"
Joey LeTourneau, McCloud, CA
From California to Israel
When my family and I moved back to California in 2014, it was with an eye towards Israel and some of our long-term calling there. Shortly after moving back the Lord showed us why He called us to move back. He offered us a vision of a "bridge" that spanned between California and Israel.
God has continued to show us the vision of this bridge. Not a literal bridge, this "bridge" is meant to be constructed uniquely, lifting people up higher. It's intended to be made up of "refuge-like" properties and lands that God's sons and daughters have been in and are now taking for the Kingdom. They are hot spots on a map, strategically placed, set apart, and are preparation grounds for many that God is raising up between California and Israel—with the intention of rebuilding God's family.
We personally have been contending for such a bridge over the years but it was not until the last number of months we felt a release from the Lord to pursue and possess the vision and to help others by faith do the same.
Angelo and the Timely Gift
"In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2)
This passage was highlighted to me after I had a special encounter. I had the encounter the night after my family and I committed to a specific part the journey of "rebuilding God's house and family." Early in the morning, in one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had, I was awakened to a knock at our door. When I answered, there was an Italian looking man approximately in his sixties who said, "My name is Angelo, I'm your angel and this is one of the happiest days of my life." He then handed me a lavender, ring-sized gift box with a white ribbon before he disappeared. I carefully opened the box and wondered if it was a ring, or what was possibly in such a package. I unfolded the white tissue paper and discovered a single, silver house key.
Now, you have to understand that for us, personally, we are waiting for the right house and property ourselves as we contend to position and align with where the Father wants us to build with Him. So, a house key would be an awesome, personal gift and breakthrough! However, I knew in the dream that Angelo's very intentional happiness in presenting this key wasn't just for our personal breakthrough, but even more for what was being released for this time and the re-building of God's big picture house and family.
A Refuge and a City on a Hill
"In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge." (Proverbs 14:2)
"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." (Matthew 5:14)
It can sound contradictory to imagine a place that is a refuge, like the shadow of His wings, and yet also for the same place to be a city on a hill that should not be hidden. But we live in a Kingdom that holds these types of beautiful truths in tension with one another. God is raising up...(continue reading)