From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

We are really living in some amazing times with God and He is getting us ready for them.
Yes, shakings and darkness will continue...but that's when we will see amazing moves of God as many prophets, past and present, have said.
Here's just a snippet of what Anita Alexander says in this word of the Lord:
The Lord says, "In this season of 'UNPRECEDENTED,' expect the unexpected. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented strategy to take the land. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented solution to the problem. Expect the unexpected, unprecedented direction to possess and inherit. Expect the unexpected people to..."
There's so much more rich revelation for you in this word. Read it for yourself as you too "expect the unexpected" from God Himself! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"In this Season of Unprecedented, Expect the Unexpected"
Anita Alexander, Gold Coast, Australia
"Game, Set and Match!"
I recently had a vision of a tennis match being played. For those of you who know the rules and terms of tennis, the game had been played for 5 sets; it was a very long game. The game was up to match point and it had been going between deuce and advantage for the longest time.
(Match point is when the player who is winning will win the match if they get the next point. Deuce is when the score is tied at 40-40 or higher and either player simply needs to win by two to conclude the game. Advantage scoring refers to the side which wins the next point after deuce – it is said to have the advantage. "Game, set and match" is declared when the match has a winner.)
Prophetically, this picture was speaking of the threshold place where we stand before a breakthrough, when it seems like we are about to breakthrough, only to experience yet another delay or back step. Sometimes this can go on for years.
Many have been back and forth from "deuce" to "advantage" like in the tennis match; they have felt frustrated and weary because the game has just been so long. But the Lord, by the wind of His Spirit and by His strong arm of victory, has come in and is saying...(continue reading)