From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
You will be blessed as you read this now word from Michele Cole.
She and her husband are Marketplace Ministers and long-time friends of mine. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Joni Ames
The Ministry of Joni Faith Ames
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"The Time Has Come! The Lord Says, 'I Am Coming Like a Rushing Flood!'"
Michele Cole, El Dorado Springs, MO
"Lord, When?"
Over these past months (and years for some), many in the Body of Christ are experiencing warfare, unrelenting trials and intense suffering. I've seen in the spirit, the white flag of surrender. I've heard the cries, "No More!" I've seen the tears soaking pillows day and night, and the utter depths of despair and sorrow His remnant Church has been going through. They are asking, "Lord when? When will You come to rescue us from this pit? When will healing come? When will provision come?" My heart has been breaking for all His children crying out. The Lord highlighted this passage to me as to reflect what His Bride may be experiencing.
John 16:20b-22a (TPT), "But know this, your sadness will turn into joy when you see Me again! Just like a woman giving birth experiences intense labor pains in delivering her baby, yet after the child is born she quickly forgets what she went through because of the overwhelming joy of knowing that a new baby has been born into the world. So will you also pass through a time of intense sorrow when I am taken from you, but you will see Me again!"
I perceive that we are at the beginning of birth pangs and the birthing will happen swiftly. Let me explain what God has been speaking to me through some circumstances I've been going through.
A couple weeks ago, out of the blue, I began to experience...(continue reading)