From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I know this will be a most encouraging word for many of you who have been on the front lines...crying out and standing on the promises God had given.
Let me just say that God has heard your prayers and we are living in exciting days! The Lord is delivering His breakthrough strategies to His people in this very hour as Danielle Dixon shares:
God's first responders are being released throughout the earth to minister to the saints of God. They are carrying the message that your prayers have been heard, your petitions, supplications, and intercessions have come before the throne. Your answers are on their way.
If you've felt like giving up and quitting in some of your'll want to read on and receive this word. Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"To the Intercessors, Watchman and Heaven's Negotiators"
Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia
I want to share this prophetic glimpse I was given recently into the spirit realm to strengthen those who stand in the courts of Heaven, those who watch on the walls of our cities and nations, and those who are heavenly negotiators. May the Lord strengthen you today as you read these words.
The White Envelopes with the Golden Seals
I sensed those on the front lines have been experiencing unprecedented doubt and uncertainty, due to the prolonged time it has taken to see prayer answered and promises fulfilled. Many have fainted, but many are still holding on to the promises of God with little of their own strength left. As they have humbled themselves under the hand of the Lord, He is exalting them in this due time (1 Peter 5:6).
The Lord reminded me of the end-time significance of the book of Daniel, as He had so many times before. I was seeking the Lord regarding unanswered prayer and unfulfilled dreams and visions at this crucial time within the Body of Christ. I sense, like many other prophetic voices, the atmosphere is pregnant with the prophetic promises of God. So much so, the nations are groaning to see the precious fruit of it on the earth.
Firstly, servants of God, you are highly favored. You are the treasures of our God. Stand to your feet. The Lord has sent messengers to strengthen you in this hour. I hear Him saying to you...(continue reading)