From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

We are living in tremendous days where shifting and shaking are happening around us.
Times like this require us to be strong and courageous in the Lord.
I appreciate this word by Christy Johnston of Australia in which she shares this word of the Lord:
"The next six months will not be in your strength," says the Lord Almighty. "In the next six months My people will move into victories by MY strength as MY courage rests upon them. As they receive by faith, My second wind will..."
Now read on to hear much more in this word of the Lord and what He is doing over the next 6 months! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Next 6 Months - Move into Mighty Victories with God's Strength and Courage!"
Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
The Cloak of Courage: A Two-fold Promise
July marks the second half of 2019, and as I was asking the Holy Spirit what He was saying for the remainder of this year, I saw a cloak of courage coming down from Heaven like a cloud, resting upon the Body of Christ. I heard the Father speak to my heart, "In the next six months you will see and feel courage rest upon your shoulders like you have never felt before. I am mantling you with a cloak of courage. It is a cloak of royalty and it is the seal of your kingly authority. Where many of My children have been intimidated by the enemy, there is a fresh anointing that you will physically feel upon your shoulders, moving you into a courageous determination to seize your promises."
Many of you have been feeling the contention and war upon your promises this year, and rightly so. The fulfillment of your promises are a direct threat to the enemy. Your promises fulfilled will dismantle the enemy's strongholds across the earth.
I believe, for many people, the battles have been fierce and I can hear the questions, "What about the prophecies for this year? Will I see them fulfilled?" I hear His voice say, "Listen, beloved, I have seen the pressures you have faced, I have walked with you through the fires and I am answering your cries for help. I am releasing this cloak of fresh courage and boldness upon your shoulders that you may charge ahead unafraid and grasp in faith what has been promised you."
I saw this cloak of courage as a two-fold promise. It is for the personal promises God has given each of us individually, and it is for the Body of Christ as a whole. This cloak of courage will greatly disrupt and bring confusion to the enemy who has been pushing in on every side to silence the Body.
A Changing of the Guard and a Second Wind
I then saw another vision. I saw a...(continue reading)