From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
We all need encouragement...and to remember to encourage ourselves in the Lord whenever possible!
You'll receive a lot of this and more in this article and testimony from Jennifer Miskov as she shares what happened earlier this year...
I'll leave you with this: Revival is upon us...will you give God your 'Yes'? (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"The Next Wave of Revival is Upon Us! Will You Give God Your 'Yes'?"
Jennifer A. Miskov, Redding, CA
It's Time to Run
I believe that we are in an unprecedented time where God is stirring Believers to throw off everything that hinders, even the good things, so that we can run the race set before us. We do this by fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2).
God is positioning us to wholeheartedly dive into the assignments we are born for, even if that means letting go of what we were once called to carry. We can run further and faster the less we carry. We are in a time where we cannot simply say yes to all of the open doors or opportunities that come our way. We must also discern which of these are our God-ordained assignments and then invest fully into what we are born for (Ephesians 2:10).
If Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't able to let go of leading his church or his other commitments at that crucial hour, he would have never been able to lead the Civil Rights movement. In a similar way, I believe that God is shifting many of us (or our perspectives) from leading a ministry to now leading a movement.
So many of us are in a huge transition right now. This is of God. He is uprooting and repositioning us, like on a huge chessboard, to get us in perfect alignment for His next big move. This shift is to bring alignment. It's time to let the Lord reposition us or change our perspectives so we can run the race He has set before us. There's an invitation and a line drawn in the sand for Believers to respond with a fresh "yes" to the Lord today. He is giving us a renewed call to be all in, no matter what it looks like.
"I Give You My Yes"
I recently had an opportunity to minister in Fredericksburg, Virginia when anointed worship leader Kim Hager invited me to a weekend of ministry with her fiery community there, under David Bradshaw's leadership. It was a significant time I will never forget. During my last gathering there with the youth group, we experienced a unique move of God unfold before our eyes. I share this testimony because I believe it prophesies into where God is leading us next.
This is what I wrote immediately after what happened that night...(continue reading)