From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

I've sure enjoyed getting to know Jesse and Amy Shamp... they are a powerful Millennial couple and are full of prophetic wisdom.
In Jesse Shamp's recent article, he describes detailed revelation from a dream encounter he had of the late Bob Jones.
I want you to read it for yourself and ask the Lord to give you personal insight in what you can do right now to prepare for what the Lord revealed to Jesse. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"What is This Pearl of Great Price?"
Jesse Shamp, Nashville, TN
I've held this word, locked away in my heart, for a season. This is something from my treasure box! The Bible compares revelation to precious pearls (Matthew 7:6). Some things you experience in the Lord are so sacred that you don't want to share them with anyone. Yet, I have felt the timing of the Lord to share this encounter. First, let me say this: Every prophetic encounter must bring us to a more intimate walk with the Lord and must reveal to us the revelation of the Scriptures.
I recently found myself in a very powerful encounter. It was a dream, but also an encounter, for I was in the realm of the spirit! For a season, the Lord would not permit me to share about it, but recently I've felt that it was time to release it! My desire is to bring you on the journey that led me to this encounter. I feel that it is important that I steward this revelation well. It has been a series of visions, dreams, and encounters over the past several months.
The Lord has been speaking about the heart of the Body of Christ and how we are to examine our hearts in this season. God is truly releasing another level of the prophetic anointing in this hour. However, it is vital that we have a foundation of love. Every gift mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 should be ministered through the precious fruit of the Spirit, love!
The Pearl of Great Price
It was around Valentine's day that I had released something on social media about the late Prophet Bob Jones. I never had the chance to know Bob Jones personally, but I have spoken with many that did walk with this great prophet. I was pondering the time that I heard Bob Jones speak... it was many years ago during a conference at Jeff Jansen's church, Global Fire Ministries, in Murfreesboro, TN. I remember when Bob Jones began to speak, He spoke of a parable in the Bible: "The Pearl of Great Price."
Bob interpreted the parable to mean that the pearl of great price was love. Bob shared an encounter that he had. On August 8, 1995, Bob Jones had died and found himself in Heaven. He stood in a line and saw to the left of him a line of people that were going to spend an eternity in Hell. Bob was in another line of people that was approaching the Lord. As those in this line approached the Lord, the Lord would ask them...(continue reading)