From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

There is almost nothing like the feeling of being served as a VIP.
Who wouldn't want that?
Years ago, someone paid for my wife and I to attend a great theater show. To my stunned surprise, when we presented our tickets, the usher walked us to the very front at some special tables, right up to the stage!
Oh my goodness, that felt good!
This is what God is doing for YOU. He's walking you not only to the front of the line but into the best seats IN THE HOUSE.
Read this closely as a PERSONAL word to you through Julie Ann Smith, from the LORD. Julie has been the managing editor of THE ELIJAH LIST for 13 years and is also the producer for our new Elijah Streams TV show.
Though she may not feel it, she deserves the best of the best of the best, both from me and from the Lord.
Read this and "weep with JOY" for what God is telling you, right now, TODAY! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God is Welcoming You to the VIP Section"
Julie A. Smith, Salem, OR
I had one of the most powerful dreams of my life last year, and I've held onto it pondering it often. The Lord has been speaking to me about this dream more recently and I believe it is for many in the Body of Christ as God is restoring all that you "think" was lost. Also, I pray that as you read this dream and revelation, the Lord would reveal something personal to you, and He would anoint and mantle you in a new, increased identity and calling in Him. It's a time to walk out the big dreams God has placed in your heart.
The World Premiere Event at the Movie Theater
In my dream, I was walking into a movie theater. I knew that this was an exclusive place to be, as it was a premiere event and special occasion. When I arrived, I realized I was one of the first people in line and was walking toward the auditorium to get in. Suddenly, my mom came in. Considering she walks slow and uses a wheelchair when she's tired, I knew I needed to slow down and help her. By the time we did get into the movie theater, we were in a super long line and toward the end of the line, waiting to get in.
On top of that, while we were waiting in this long line, I discovered that my ID (my identity) and two credit cards were stolen! I was really upset and didn't want to wait in this long line anymore, especially since I had been stolen from. I decided not to wait in the long line to get in and headed towards the exit doors to leave. I walked along discouraged, as I was really looking forward to the special premiere and event, but at this point, I just wanted to leave.
As we arrived at the front where most people were entering the theater, I headed towards the exit signs. I was just about to exit the theater when I looked to the left and saw a woman I knew. This woman was known for being in charge of finances and approving credit. She was the financial manager of the place. I just wanted to say "hello" to her before we left. I told her I was leaving and that my ID and two credit cards were stolen while waiting in the long line to get into the premiere. I explained to her that when I arrived, I was headed toward the front of the line, but there were so many people who came in and bypassed me and my mom while I was helping her. I shared with this woman that I was discouraged after what took place—long line, being stolen from, and I was leaving now because of it!
That was when this woman, the financial manager, handed me two blue passes that said "VIP" on them and she said...(continue reading)