800% Better for Women Than Fish Oil

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Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine
Al Sears, MD

Dear Health-Conscious Woman,

New research from Yale, USC and other leading institutions — and based on a Nobel Prize — shows that a little bit of genetic material found at the end of each strand of DNA in your cells are what really control aging.

Called telomeres, this genetic material can make a huge difference between premature aging and youthful aging.

Every time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter, and your body ages more rapidly.

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, shorter telomeres in women with the highest levels of perceived stress saw their aging accelerate by a full decade.

That's right... shorter telomeres made them 10 years older!

Now, the exciting news! Groundbreaking medical research shows if you boost the health of your telomeres and lengthen them, you can grow younger biologically.

To you, that can mean...

more lustrous hair

flawless skin

a slimmer body

a sharper brain

a stronger heart

and more

This is the new secret my patients have been using to defy aging and restore their youthful health and vitality... and now it can be yours, too.

I urge you to read this Special Report and enjoy "young again" health and wellness.  Just click here...

To Your Great Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

P.S.  Read the success stories my patients are having using this breakthrough discovery.  As you'll see, it's 800% better for women than fish oil.  They've never felt younger or healthier.  Go here....


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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**Note: You will not be ordering this item from The Elijah List. Your order will be processed on the Sears site. Please contact them directly with any order inquiries or questions about this product.
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August 11, 2019

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