Intro from Demontae Edmonds:

Years ago, I walked into a restaurant and saw the presence of the Lord on a lady seated at a nearby table. I walked over to her and said, "You must be a prophet of the Lord!" That exchanged led to a fruitful ministry partnership and co-laboring to fulfill many Kingdom assignments.
Throughout the years, I have personally experienced the teaching and prophetic ministry of Dr. Kim Black. God has uniquely anointed her to pull on the heartstrings of His spiritual children and congregations by releasing the deep yearnings of the Father's heart for them.
God often uses her to express His divine design for His children through powerful, poetic revelation and imagery. In this article, Dr. Black shares a powerful message that challenges Believers to return to their first love – Jesus! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Demontae Edmonds
Freedom 4 the Nations
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"A Vision of the Bride on Trial"
Kim Black, Williamsburg, VA
The Spirit of the Lord is calling His Bride to draw near, in this eighth month, like never before. Eight is the number of new beginnings and the Spirit of the Lord is inviting His Bride into a new day where she is filled and being filled with the wonder and awe of His amazing love and redemption.
There are some mandates the Lord is issuing:
• It's time for all other voices to be silenced.
• It's time to enter into a new level of intimacy.
• It's time for the Bride to develop dove's eyes.
• It's time to recognize Christ as our true treasure.
A Vision of the Bride On Trial
During a worship service, the Spirit of the Lord took me up into a vision. He brought me into the humiliating public trial of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11).
I saw critics, accusers, backbiters, nosy busy-bodies, the religious and skeptics all standing around this woman, who was guilty as charged. The religious leaders made her stand in the center of the court for her judgment. They asked Jesus, "What is Your sentence?" They had already decided she should be stoned under the Law of Moses.
Just like the Pharisees and scribes of that day, many in the world today have passed judgment against the Bride. "No need for Church anymore," they say. The Church is guilty of so many sins: silence, complacency, lethargy, greed, and hypocrisy. The list goes on and on. God's Bride is now standing in the center of court awaiting the verdict on her relevance because of her past failures. However, much like the Pharisees, and how they did not understand the new grace and the new day of Christ, neither do the critics of today. Jesus still loves His Bride. In fact, Jesus still loves you! He is not ashamed to step up for His Church. Though you may be guilty, He still wants you! In this new day of redemption and grace, Christ is wiping your slate clean and inviting you to draw near to Him. (Photo via Unsplash)
Jesus Has Silenced Your Accusers!
Many have wondered...(continue reading)