From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

How would YOU like to have powerful encounters with the Lord that could change the course of your life? I think we all would!
In Ben Peter's recent article he gives insight about this and more. Here's a teaser...
I do believe the Holy Spirit is speaking loudly to the Church today that He is about to visit His people in a powerful way. Through some incredible, divine visitations, He is going to...
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"Are You a Superconductor? Find Out Now!"
Ben Peters, Lincoln, CA
Recently, as I was researching the subject of superconductivity, God suddenly showed me the amazing parallel between the natural and the spiritual when it comes to this phenomenon. I feel compelled to share this simple revelation as a catalyst for the restoration of the power of God in His Church today.
For more than one hundred years, scientists have been experimenting with and applying the phenomenon of superconductivity. Without using too much scientific jargon, the basics of superconductivity are simply the following.
Superconductivity is the condition of a material that lets electricity, which is the flow of electrons through a conductor, to flow totally unhindered without any detectable loss of energy. It gives off no heat and allows huge amounts of electrical power to flow through a small wire. Whereas normal conductors, like copper wire, have, what science calls, a resistance factor measured in OHMs, superconductors manifest absolutely no resistance to the flow of electrons.
Another very important property is the expulsion of all magnetic fields from the superconductor. This causes it to levitate over an earth magnet, allowing objects to move effortlessly with no resistance or friction, floating over a superconductor, while maintaining its physical relationship with its base or track. (Photo via Pixabay)
The Central Japan Railway Company and the Railway Technical Research Institute developed the SCMaglev, a superconducting levitation railway system. In April 2015, a manned seven-car LO series train reached a speed of 375 mph, breaking its own speed record for all rail vehicles.
There is probably nothing more exciting, to much of the scientific community, than superconductivity, but they are still hindered in its application by the fact that it will only work under certain conditions.
What hinders their progress in the application of this amazing phenomenon is...(continue reading)