From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

When I receive Lana Vawser's articles, my first thought is, "What is the Lord saying right now?"
I know you will be thrilled at this recent article of hers in which she gives insight straight from the heart of God...for His daughters right now.
Do yourself and others around you a this word and forward it on to everyone you know.
God is raising up women to shift society and culture in the nations...and the time is now!
Be blessed and encouraged, daughters of God! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Daughters of God, Your New Beginning Is Here!"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Unraveling and Revealing
Recently I heard the Lord say, "Daughters of God, your new beginning is here." From this statement I sensed, strongly, the Lord's heart to encourage you, His daughters. A decree from Heaven surrounded me, declaring a new beginning over you! A shift has been decreed and a great UNRAVELLING and REVEALING is now beginning to take place.
The Lord spoke to me that this unraveling and revealing is beginning to manifest in the lives of His daughters in accelerated ways in this new era. God is unraveling the chains that have held you. God is unraveling the mindsets that have contained you. God is unraveling the oppression that has suffocated you. God is unraveling the whirlwind of despair and discouragement that have continued to keep you in a place of disorientation.
The Lord is now revealing exactly what the new beginnings look like. You are coming into fresh revelation of your identity. You are coming into greater clarity of your calling. You are coming into greater awareness of the Spirit of God operating in your life and through your life. You are coming into a season of CONFIDENCE in the voice of God and what He is speaking. No longer will you be tossed, to and fro, by confusion and the enemy "twisting" the Word of the Lord, but you are coming forth with an assurance of the Lord's voice like never before.
You NEED this confidence in hearing the voice of God because of WHERE He is going to send you. You need it for the new assignments, the new doors, and the new and adventures and ventures with Him. The Lord has to make sure that you are concreted and fortified in HIS voice alone. (Photo via Unsplash)
There has been an intense boot camp and resistance training happening for the daughters of God in many ways, where the Lord is building spiritual faith muscles in His daughters. He is building the faith muscles to push back against circumstances and what the enemy is saying and for us to stand in the Word of God alone.
The Lord is building the fortification and confidence in His voice so that the Esthers may go forth with the fire of His Word in their bellies to bring major change to cities and nations, shaping and influencing culture, and seeing the Kingdom of God extended.
You Are Writing a New Story
I heard the Lord say, "You are writing a new story." The journey is changing. One story has ended and now another begins. The Lord has so many divine surprises for you in this new era, and it is the responsibility of the daughters of God to BE READY!
It is IMPERATIVE in this hour to be praying and asking the Lord...(continue reading)