From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

This is an awesome read by two new writers, Seth Dahl and Rene Parsons. They wrote this article together and felt God gave it to them for the Body of Christ.
If you've been dealing with hope deferred and unfulfilled promises not coming to pass yet...I encourage you to slowly and carefully read this.
I'm so impressed with the younger Millennial generation God is raising up...and the wisdom many of them carry! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"God Is Resurrecting Hope for Promises Fulfilled"
Seth Dahl and Rene Parsons
We receive God's precious and magnificent promises so that we will be partakers in His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4).
God wants your life to look like His. God is Spirit. God is love. God is peace. God is light. God is perfect. God is a concealer of matters and a revealer of truths. His gifts and His fruit are unmatched and He wants you to partake of them. He wants you to partner with all of it. The promises for your life have a fuller purpose than simply your hopes and wants in this world. God uses them to bring forth Christ-likeness within you.
Fulfilled promises are a part of restoring you to your original design. You were designed to be in direct fellowship with God, face-to-face with God, made in His image, co-reigning on Earth in the seen and unseen. You being restored in this way is so important that Jesus was tortured on the Cross so you could receive this restoration. If you are ever wondering if God is invested in His promises to you coming to pass, you need to only look to the Cross. They are both a part of you returning to your original design, the divine nature.
As we prayed and prepared this article God spoke loudly to encourage many to believe again!
He is more than just the Promiser. He is the PROMISE KEEPER. He is invested in bringing His promises over your life to pass. (Photo via Unsplash)
2 Corinthians 1:20, "For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our amen to the glory of God through us."
He has already said YES to all His promises over your life! As you see them fulfilled, you bring Him glory.
Purpose in the Promise
In 2 Samuel, we see where the promises of God to David are delivered via a prophetic word through the prophet Nathan. It was a personal, corporate, and generational word. God promised to give David peace and prosperity, which would then create a safe place for His people to settle after so many years of instability. God promised that David's son would build the temple. What a beautiful picture of God's nature. He blesses and prospers you not only for your benefit, but for the benefit of the entire Kingdom, as well as the next generation.
With every promise over your life, you should be asking God how it benefits the Kingdom and the next generation. God will...(continue reading)