From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

I really enjoyed reading this teaching message from Karen Hardin and I know you will too!
Our readers have asked us to post more teaching messages as well help them walk out their calling and be encouraged in the process.
This message by Karen will really help you in breaking negative cycles and then moving forward in taking your Promised Land from the Lord.
Here's a snippet from Karen:
Is there a particular month or season that year after year you fear? A particular place which has been a place of destruction rather than success? Here is how it can be broken...
Now read the practical steps that you can take this day to help prepare you for your Promised Land. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"How to Break the Cycle of Destruction and Take Your Promised Land!"
Karen Hardin, Tulsa, OK
How we view "the land" that God has called us to take is an important part in the equation of whether we successfully walk in the Promise Land HE has given/called us to, or whether we walk in a cycle of discouragement and destruction.
Do you have an area of your life that has been a cycle of destruction? Or perhaps there has been a generational curse upon your family, your city, your people, your organization? This can be changed. To see how, we need to first look at a day that has prompted a cycle of destruction historically and why.
Destruction on the 9th of Av
August 10 at sundown marks the 9th of Av, Tisha B'Av, on the Jewish calendar. It is a dark day in Israel's history and known as a day of destruction. Let's look back over history to see the cycle.
It commemorates the destruction of the Holy Temple. Five hundred years later, on the exact same day, the destruction of the second Temple took place. That cycle of destruction, on that day in history, has continued.
In 136 A.D., the Roman emperor Hadrian established a heathen temple on the site of the Lord's Temple and rebuilt Jerusalem as a pagan city which was renamed Aelia Capitolina, which the Jews were forbidden to enter.
• In 1290, Jews were banished from England.
• In 1492, Jews were banished from Spain.
• In 1914, World War One began, when Germany declared war on Russia.
There is more, but there is no denying that this is not just coincidence. There has been a cycle of destruction, but there is a reason why. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
It is important to note that while this day through history has brought calamity after calamity, God's original intent for the day was to be one of victory and the fulfillment of promise.
How Did the Curse Begin?
So how did the curse begin? Through...(continue reading)