From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

We are taught that God's ways are not our ways. This is true.
Yet we also learn from Scripture to ask God to "Show us Your ways, Lord!"
As we grow in Christ and as we further take on the mind of Christ, HIS WAYS begin to become clear.
It is during these times of clarity that we understand, at least for a minute or two...OUR WAYS JUST SHOWED UP AS HIS WAYS and vice versa.
HIS WAYS, in my view, are what this Word is all about. It's going to help you a great deal. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Hear Many Asking, 'Why Has This Transition Been So Long?'"
Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
For quite some time now, I have been sensing in my spirit a significant season of transition that many across the Body of Christ are finding themselves in at this present moment. I have often mentioned this transition in months past, however, I felt the Holy Spirit impress it upon my heart to release courage and encouragement to those who are feeling dazed, wearied and confused in the middle of this almighty "crossing over."
I hear many asking, "Why has this transition been so long? Have I done something wrong? Why is there so much confusion about my next step? Did I hear God correctly? If so, why has there been so much warfare surrounding me in the midst of all this change?" I believe emphatically that this transition is more fundamental than most, for it is a transition that is moving you into inherited territory and destiny combined.
I released a word a month or two back titled "The War Has Been on Your Promise," and again, I feel lead to repeat some of its sentiments. This could also be said in another way: The war that you have been facing has been sent to prevent you from walking into new territory; the land of inheritance that God has promised you. The assaults of chaos and confusion are not a sign that you didn't hear from God correctly, but rather that you have indeed heard correctly.
The enemy sees you coming from a distance and the mayday alert has been sent out to his cohorts. Just as Pharaoh released his armies to stop the Israelites from crossing over, the assignments against you have been deployed to prevent your crossing over. But don't fear, we know that the battle does not belong to us, but to our God. The enemy will not prevail when you are on an assignment from the Lord of hosts, so continue to march forward unafraid. (Photo via Pixabay)
The Tension of Acquiring the Promise
For some of you, this transition may be requiring a physical move to a different state or even country. For others, the transition may be a promotion or a move to an entirely new job, while yet others may be led to start a new business venture or plant a church in a new region. Regardless of the natural "moves" that are taking place, it is all founded within a spiritual seizing of territories that God is moving His entire Body into.
If you look throughout history, most wars have been fought over the basis of land and territory, and right now there is contention in the spirit as the enemy sees the children of God moving into positions, as though lining up on the battlefield, to take back territory that has been long held illegally in the grips of his unworthy and unlawful hands.
When God released His covenant to Abraham in Genesis 12, it is interesting to note that the covenant of a promised nation first required an act of obedience on Abraham's behalf. "The LORD had said to Abram, 'Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you'" (Genesis 12:1).
A breakdown of the Hebrew words in this verse reveals some interesting insights for us in our own season of transition. The two words, "country" and "land," are the same Hebrew word, "erets." This word has multi-dimensional meanings. On one hand, it can be defined as "common land" and on the other hand it can be defined as "the earth, the world, the nations." It refers to the whole earth under God's dominion. It also comes from an unused root word most likely meaning "to be firm."
Before I break the verse down any further, I want to highlight the Hebrew meaning for "dominion" as this plays a significant role in the deeper meaning of this verse. Many people see "dominion" as a negative connotation, as though we are to have oppressive dominion over the people of the earth, but that is not what it means at all. Dominion is...(continue reading)