August 4, 2019 "Memories of the Afflictions & Traumas Will Be Wiped Away" Elaine Tavolacci, Staten Island, NY From the Desk of Steve Shultz: God always, always has a plan of redemption in our lives. I want you to know that and let that sink in, no matter what you've gone through. I've seen time and time again people be completely healed of their past and wounds. That's what I want you to receive today as you read this word of the Lord from Elaine Tavolacci: The Lord says, "Allow Me to transform your life in this place. Allow Me to work in you and through you to bring every negative situation into a positive..." I pray you receive any needed healing today! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. To partner with us, click here. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at: Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News ************************************* "Memories of the Afflictions & Traumas Will Be Wiped Away" Elaine Tavolacci, Staten Island, NY  Today we live in a generation that is privileged with modern technology. With a cell phone or other digital devices, we are able to take pictures instantly, from just about any place in the world. When I was a young girl we didn't have mobile phones, computers or any type of digital device. We used cameras to take pictures, which had to go through a process of development. A negative was taken through several steps before a photograph was formed. The film was first taken into a dark room. It was soaked in water, then converted into a metallic silver. Lastly, it was rinsed in clean water and perfected by light. As the photograph was being developed it was handled carefully to avoid any damage, discoloration or fading. The Importance of the Development Process To parallel this in the spirit, so many of us resist the process that God brings us through because we are looking for an instant, "modern technology" transformation. Every one of us have been taken from a negative situation but so many of us are undeveloped because we haven't allowed Him to continue with the process in our lives. Psalm 91:1 (The Passion Translation), "When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High." It is imperative that we spend time cultivating our relationship with Jesus in the dark room. We need to allow Him to take us through the process of development. This dark room is where our character is developed as our fleshly desires are crucified. This is the place of heartfelt repentance. This is the place where He trains us to hear His voice and know His ways. This is where our gifts are cultivated and dreams are birthed. This is where new ideas are developed and new assignments are released. This is where we place our prayer requests and receive answers to our prayers. This is where the Word of God becomes alive with revelation and vision is established. Under the Shadow of Shaddai Psalm 85:8 (The Passion Translation), "Now I'll listen carefully for Your voice and wait to hear whatever You say. Let me hear Your promise of peace – the message every one of Your godly lovers longs to hear. Don't let us in our ignorance turn back from following You." The Lord says, "Allow Me to transform your life in this place. Allow Me to work in you and through you to bring every negative situation into a positive. Do not rebel and do not resist the process. Some say, 'It is too difficult,' but others understand that I am walking with them through it all. The process is necessary to be conformed and developed into My image. This is the place where all impurities and defilement will be destroyed and all bruises and blemishes will be erased. This is the place where the rough edges will be smooth out, broken hearts will be restored and wounds from the past will be removed. "The memories of the afflictions and traumas will be wiped away. This is the place where your mind will be renewed and you will learn to walk in integrity and grow in maturity. This place is necessary for your spiritual growth and fruit that will remain. Just as there is a process of maturation in the natural life, there is also a process in your spiritual life. Trust Me when you feel that the process is too challenging. "My plans will be established through this process of development. This is where transformation will take place. This is where you will learn to walk. This is the place where you will receive healing and learn to grow into the person that you were created to be," says the Lord. Song of Solomon 2:10 (The Passion Translation), "...Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out..." Elaine Tavolacci A Word in Season Email: Website: Elaine Tavolacci resides in Staten Island, New York. She has been a student of the Word for twenty-nine years. She has a prophetic gift as well as a ministry of encouragement, which teaches the Body of Christ to walk in the fullness of what the Lord has called them to. She teaches others how to be overcomers in every area of their lives and understands the power and authority that Jesus has assigned to them. Her ministry, "A Word in Season," has been an encouragement to others for nine years. She has learned the transforming power of the Word of God and encourages others that nothing is impossible with God. ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: Visit our webstore and check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. 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