Intro from Steve Backlund:

I want to recommend Anne Ballard to you. She attended Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry from 2010-2013, with her last year serving wonderfully on my team as an intern.
She is a creative thinker, a successful businesswoman, a releaser of hope, and she represents Jesus well in who she is and what she does. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Steve Backlund
Igniting Hope Ministries
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Call to Love and Be Creative"
Anne Ballard, Redding, CA
In this season, God is softening our hearts towards those who have felt alienated and judged, calling us to draw near in "love and truth" to those who are different than we are. He is inviting us into creation, and as we spend time with Him unplugged from distraction, He is meeting us with revelation and refreshing.
Creativity is highlighted right now, and there is grace to try completely new things that you have never tried before. God is creating strategic opportunities in business and in other kinds of partnerships. As these opportunities present themselves...(continue reading)