Intro from Ryan LeStrange: 
Andrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice and a powerful preacher. He leads a dynamic church and has a growing ministry. He is also a part of my global ministry network and family.
I believe in his accuracy, integrity and passion. His preaching is powerful and his voice strong. I highly recommend him as a rising prophetic voice to the nations. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Ryan LeStrange, Pastor & Founder
Impact International Ministries |
Ryan LeStrange Ministries
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"God Is Giving You the Spoils of Your Enemy!"
Andrew Towe, Chattanooga, TN
I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak to me and say, "I am sending terror in the enemy's camp. My children have been pressured long enough. You have been surrounded by the threats of the enemy but there are more fighting for you than against you. It is time for your deliverance. I will show that My hand is not short to save. You will see Me move speedily on your behalf."
"Elisha said, 'Listen! God's word! The famine's over. This time tomorrow food will be plentiful—a handful of meal for a shekel; two handfuls of grain for a shekel. The market at the city gate will be buzzing.'" (2 Kings 7:1 MSG)
The Economy of Your Life Is Changing!
The prophet Elisha boldly proclaimed that there would be a twenty-four-hour miracle. As I read that text, God began to speak to me that He wanted me to release a word that would shift circumstances, situations and dilemmas. He instructed me to prophesy His exact words:
"Some of you have been in famine (lack, drought, barrenness and brokenness) for a long time. In fact, many have even given up hope that your situation would ever change, but I have not forgotten My promises to you. Today, I speak to you and declare that...(continue reading)