From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

I'm sure stirred up by the wisdom that comes from some of these younger Millennial pastors who God is raising up.
The Johnstons of Australia are full of prophetic revelation for the Body of Christ and where we are moving.
Nate Johnston shares these potent questions from the Lord:
"Remember My power?" I heard the Lord ask. "Remember all those times I delivered you? All those times My delivering, rescuing power broke through the darkness and tore you out of that impossible situation? Have you forgotten?"
Let this article by Nate encourage you in ALL that God Himself has promised you in your life and your calling. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"How to Defeat Discouragement & See Promises Multiplied"
Nate Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
A couple of weeks back, I was in worship when I heard the Lord say, "I am the God of miracles!" Then as I continued to worship, He said, "I am STILL the God of miracles!"
I was deeply stirred, sensing His heart for His Bride to know His miracle-working power. Often in times of great tension and warfare, we can subtly become so focused on the fight and the struggle that we slowly lose sight of the goodness of God and His unlimited POWER that is available.
Don't Settle Just Yet!
As I continued worshiping, I began to sense that so many people are feeling they are at a place of giving in to the pressure of the season and settling. They are at a crossroad. Many Believers have been holding onto prophetic words and promises for a long time but after not seeing them come to pass for so long, they are finally at the place of giving up.
At first I was sad and I could feel their sorrow, but then I was grieved, like I could feel God's grief for them. "Don't settle!" I wanted to say. Then I saw a vision of someone slamming a book shut, and when I asked the Lord what I had seen, He said, "Some have turned bitter to My promises."
I continued to worship and pray over those who were feeling this way. This was a detour right before the launch pad...a demonic assignment of DOUBT sent to DERAIL God's people just before the grand revealing.
If you have been feeling this way, I pray that the Holy Spirit would come and pour out hope over you until it flushes out the poisonous hopelessness and doubt that's trying to steal your joy just before a promise manifests. (Photo via Flickr)
Stirring of Faith for the Impossible
Suddenly a song began to flow out of my spirit:
"I am stirring up faith for the impossible.
To go forward you can't rest on human Strength or the probable.
Look beyond the storm to the horizon,
And let Me stir up your faith for the Impossible."
As I kept singing and prophesying this, I could see...(continue reading)