Intro from Dr. Dan and Linda Wilson:

Jeneen Kohler is a strong, devoted woman of God. She hears from Heaven, studies the Word, and then brings powerful words to the Church. Her teaching gift is anointed.
Generosity, compassion for widows and orphans, as well as a heart for missions mark this amazing woman. Jeneen has taught internationally and especially enjoys healing the breach by encouraging women to love each other and love Jesus.
We have known Jeneen 7 years now, and she is married to a great guy, Steve. Together they have two adult children who also love Jesus.
Without hesitation, we recommend Jeneen Kohler as a contributor to the Elijah List. We, along with many other readers, need to hear what the Spirit is saying through Jeneen. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Dr. Dan and Linda Wilson
Supernatural Marriage and Missions
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"How to Resist the Wiles of Leviathan"
Jeneen Kohler, Hillsborough, North Carolina
In the early morning hours of July 22, 2019, I experienced a prophetic dream. In this dream, I walked into my "master bedroom" and saw an old man hanging the heads of many alligators upon the walls. These alligators had been stuffed by a taxidermist and the old man was mounting them upon the walls of my bedroom as you would for prized trophies and treasured photographs.
I immediately told him that I did not want these alligator heads in my bedroom, but he informed me that they were going to stay. Once again, I reiterated, "I do not want these alligators in my bedroom." Then I crawled under the blankets (covers) of my "King" bed. Next thing I knew, this old man had crawled under the blankets with me, still trying to convince me to allow these alligator heads to remain. The dream ended.
Leviathan is a demonic principality with a persistent agenda against the Body of Christ. He operates through slander, rejection, betrayal, and false accusation and is often depicted as a snake, dragon, or alligator.
His agenda, of course, is to steal, kill and destroy, and he seeks to accomplish this agenda through the oppression of his victims. His crushing blows and powerful tail-like backlash can bring even the strongest of Believers to their knees causing them to, at some point, question their true identity in Christ Jesus.
Like many of you reading this, I have experienced my share of Leviathan's wrath. I have navigated through much betrayal and rejection over the past ten years, and by the grace and mercy of God I am still alive. However, Leviathan is not concerned with our mere survival. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
There is a "second" weapon of mass destruction that he is using against the Body of Christ in this hour. Leviathan desires to "master" our spiritual intimacy by "affixing" monuments of every painful event from our past upon the walls of our hearts, like most-treasured trophies and photos.
These erected trophies and photographs become like idols when we place more focus, importance, and energy upon the people who betrayed, rejected, or spoke against us than we do our own heavenly identity and purpose.
Through unforgiveness and the ongoing recollection of wrongs committed against us, we grant Leviathan the freedom to hinder us from purity of heart and intimate fellowship with God.
We must not forget...(continue reading)